The Truth Is Not Popular

The Truth Is Not Popular

        The truth is not popular and never has been and this is especially true for the gospel truth message that the Bible teaches. The world hates holiness and wants to dwell in sin and pursue pleasure and protect their own pride. People who hear that they are sinners, or are doing something wrong do not want to admit it and will deny the truth that they are sinners and need a savior. Nobody wants to admit they are weak and unable to save themselves, and people do not want to admit they are bad, wrong, incorrect, sinful, or unholy.

        In our society today people want to believe God is on their side, and God is spirit that only cares about their interests and their desires. So many people mistakenly claim that God is for them and supports them. People are creating a god in their own image which is idolatry. Now days the climate of the culture says you must be tolerant of everything. Tolerance to them is not accepting people of beliefs you view as wrong, but the new tolerance has taken a new meaning that you must agree with them 100% or you are wrong. There is no room for contradictory ideas and you have to agree with them, and not only agree but also promote it and praise it as wonderful. Sexual sins like adultery or homosexuality and pornography or sex outside of marriage, drug abuse, any kinds of immorality, anything that gives pleasure and strikes the ego must be promoted and praised or else you will be labeled intolerant and other mean things. Fighting against immorality in oneself is increasingly harder in our age and denying sexual temptations or any other sins is hard to overcome when immorality is thrown in the Christian’s face over and over in every direction. This had led some people who believe they are Christians to live in sin and remain in it and have unchecked sins, because it is easier to just give in and enjoy sin and ignore guilt than to live in remorse from it and repent.

        So many churches today and their pastors do not teach the absolute truth and do not preach against personal sins and sins of the mind (lust, greed, envy etc.). Instead, pastors promote self esteem which only encourages a lazy attitude toward sin. It leads people who actually are not Christians to believe they are Christians and are going to heaven. True Christians are sanctified by Christ and set apart for holiness as God’s possession. The lives of true believers will always hold onto repentance when they sin and have faith God has forgiven them and the result will be fruits of righteousness. Read Mark 12:30, John 14:15 and 15:14, 1 John 2:6, 2 Chronicles 16:9 and a reoccurring theme that true believers follow God, obey Him, and live in morality instead of immorality. 1 john 1:9 also explains that if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive all believers who seek to repent of sins. We can be confident we are saved. Struggling with sin is no joke and our society makes it hard, but there is still no excuse.

        Christians need to stand apart more than ever in this age and not fear those who harm our bodies, but only God who has the power to throw us into hell or save us into heaven in a relationship with Him.

        Preaching the truth of the gospel that humans are sinful and at war with God and must be punished for their transgressions is not popular, nor the idea that a loving Savior came to save them from this wrath. People do not want to admit they cannot save themselves by being good, or that they need a Savior to rescue them from hell. In fact, people do not want to admit that God is angry and hates sin and only want to believe God loves them no matter what. The truth is God loves people, wants to save them, but in His justice He must punish sin. The only way out is a substitutionary sacrifice (Jesus Christ on the cross).

       Another problem with truth people have in churches are matters of doctrine. People do not want to differentiate false doctrines from true doctrines. People want to avoid any kind of conflict or stance for absolute truth. This is a self righteous and false humility that has caused most of the church to be secular and unconcerned with true teaching. Whatever feels right is good to them, they have a sensual attitude toward truth. If it FEELS good it must be true. but pleasure or good feelings are not always true and nor are they happiness and in many cases pleasure and good vibes lead people to destruction. Drugs give extreme pleasure to the brain and body, sexual sin feels amazing to some people and they hunger for it, being proud and believing you are in control also feels good, but these attitudes are self destructive.

        Christians need to keep promoting unpopular truth, the actual gospel and the fact that sin is destroying people and a true believer takes a true stance and sides with God in all truth, actively pursues true teaching in the bible and wants to live holy for God’s glory. Repentance, faith, and fruits of righteousness mark the true Christian in this world. This is a very counter-cultural stance and hard for many to do.

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