Why Did God Have To March On Tree Tops To Defeat The Philistines And Not Air?

Why Did God Have To March On Tree Tops To Defeat The Philistines And Not Air?

        The scene is found in 2 Samuel 5:22-25. Just before the Philistines found out that David was newly anointed the King of Israel so they went on a search and destroy mission. David hear about it and moved into his stronghold to wait. After inquiring of the Lord he set out in a full frontal assault and defeated them easily with God’s help. This did not stop the Philistines just yet. They came out for more a second time. This time God told David not to directly attack them, but to circle around behind them and attack them opposite of some balsam trees. The Lord told David to act decisively because He would be marching out before them ahead. God told David that it would be apparent the Lord is marching out ahead of his army t attack the camp of the Philistines because David and his men would actually hear the sounds of God’s marching in the tops of the balsam trees. David did what God said. So obviously he heard the sounds of marching in the tops of trees then attacked and slaughtered many Philistines for miles. He won.

The text:

 The Philistines came up again and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim. So David inquired of the Lord, and He answered, “Do not make a frontal assault. Circle around behind them and attack them opposite the balsam trees. When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, act decisively, for then the Lord will have marched out ahead of you to attack the camp of the Philistines.” So David did exactly as the Lord commanded him, and he struck down the Philistines all the way from Geba to Gezer.

        Why did God have to do it this way this time? Why circle around and why did he have to hear marching and why did God have to use the tree tops to make the sound of his marching known? These are questions I think about after watching documentaries on the History Channel or somewhere else about biblical things. Shows like Battles B.C. who created an episode on the battle of Jericho completely ignored all supernatural things or wrote them off and tried to explain them away with natural things. After reading the above passage it causes me to play the Devil’s advocate and pretend I am a secular scholar explaining away the supernatural occurrence with something natural. I will raise up skepticism with statements and then answer it from my own thoughts.

        David did not really talk to God or hear him. It was his own mind and his own confidence as a new king to defeat the Philistines. The first battle, he defeated them by pure will power and might. The second battle where he went to the trees was a new trick he used in order to confuse the Philistines who would expect another full frontal assault. When David went to the trees there must have been wind that blew the trees around making the branches hit together. David mistook that for God marching above him in the tree tops. With David’s confidence as a new King who felt destined to own all of Israel this empowered him even more to go into battle and with this energy he won a second time. He used military genius to defeat them again and it was not anything supernatural. 

No. It was supernatural and David may have bad prior battle experience in Saul’s army and was a new King but this does not mean he would be simply confident in himself. Obviously the Philistines scared him and he ran away into his stronghold to wait. He did not just go and fight them. He waited and was protected in his stronghold. That does not speak of military confidence or an assumption he will win in himself. He did wait and did inquire of the Lord. He did everything like that and only fought when the Lord told him he would win. The Philistine army was fierce and always scared the Israelites even int he days of Saul and they freshly defeated Saul and his men just a bit earlier which included the death of Jonathon. Obviously David was not confident in himself. David also just fought on the side of Judah in a small civil war with Israel and Benjamin. This would not build military confidence in a newly appointed King. God did talk to David and did fight for him and went out to attack before David so he would have victory.

Why would God have to use trees to make sounds? Couldn’t he do it in the air with nothing if He is God? If God is so powerful why would he need to use tree tops to make marching sounds? It was obviously wind or a storm that shook the tree tops which David superstitiously assumed was God.

There is no mention of wind or any kind of storm during this battle. If there was a storm or high winds it seems as though it would be important enough to mention. If there wa sa storm and high winds why would David assume the wind blowing the trees was God marching? It would be blatantly obviously it was just wind. No, this had to be something way different and unusual. Since there is no mention of a storm it is totally right to assume the day was clear and normal. There is also no mention of the trees physically moving. No mention of branches or trees swaying either. It is right to assume they di not move, the trees did no sway, and the trees were still and God marched over them and the sound was supernatural. Did God march alone as Himself or did God bring his army?  Would David have heard 1 pair of feet marching for God alone or would he have heard multitudes of feet marching from God bringing his angels into the battle? I believe God brought his heavenly army into the battle so David heard God heavenly army with his angels feet marching above the trees. The trees remained still and there was no wind and the only noise was God and His army marching towards the Philistines.

So why did God have to be above trees and not the air? Well if it was in the air with no trees it could be possibly mistaken for thunder. Thunder has been known to occur even on days it seems there is no storm. God also probably wanted to use a physical thing on earth as a reference point for David and his soldiers to have clearer hearing and sight. God probably wanted David to stay behind the Philistines so they could not flee backwards after God disrupts them for the second time. The first battle before this God burst out into them so they may he terrified to run backwards. This would enable David to kill them easier. Also, with the trees being perfectly still and God’s marching above them, David’s men would not be confused to assume it was just a windy day or thunder. With no movement of trees and just the sounds of an army above them would give them total faith in God that this is supernatural.

I find it silly when secular scholars explain away miracles or the supernatural history in the Bible as some natural thing. It would not be possible to win these biblical battles without the Lord. These were no win situations for the Israelites if they had to rely on their own tactics and fighting ability. The enemies of Israel were so powerful an scary. It was God who won the battles and was completely supernatural. God did physically march over the trees that day and did fight for David.

That day David listened to the Lord and he defeated the evil army of the Philistines and had rest. God moved and worked in very special ways in ancient times. God was actively and physically guiding Israel during the Old Testament times. We no long for this to happen again. We can be assured that on the Day of the Lord when Christ returns there will be en even bigger noise and terror in the world.

The Truth Is Not Popular

The Truth Is Not Popular

        The truth is not popular and never has been and this is especially true for the gospel truth message that the Bible teaches. The world hates holiness and wants to dwell in sin and pursue pleasure and protect their own pride. People who hear that they are sinners, or are doing something wrong do not want to admit it and will deny the truth that they are sinners and need a savior. Nobody wants to admit they are weak and unable to save themselves, and people do not want to admit they are bad, wrong, incorrect, sinful, or unholy.

        In our society today people want to believe God is on their side, and God is spirit that only cares about their interests and their desires. So many people mistakenly claim that God is for them and supports them. People are creating a god in their own image which is idolatry. Now days the climate of the culture says you must be tolerant of everything. Tolerance to them is not accepting people of beliefs you view as wrong, but the new tolerance has taken a new meaning that you must agree with them 100% or you are wrong. There is no room for contradictory ideas and you have to agree with them, and not only agree but also promote it and praise it as wonderful. Sexual sins like adultery or homosexuality and pornography or sex outside of marriage, drug abuse, any kinds of immorality, anything that gives pleasure and strikes the ego must be promoted and praised or else you will be labeled intolerant and other mean things. Fighting against immorality in oneself is increasingly harder in our age and denying sexual temptations or any other sins is hard to overcome when immorality is thrown in the Christian’s face over and over in every direction. This had led some people who believe they are Christians to live in sin and remain in it and have unchecked sins, because it is easier to just give in and enjoy sin and ignore guilt than to live in remorse from it and repent.

        So many churches today and their pastors do not teach the absolute truth and do not preach against personal sins and sins of the mind (lust, greed, envy etc.). Instead, pastors promote self esteem which only encourages a lazy attitude toward sin. It leads people who actually are not Christians to believe they are Christians and are going to heaven. True Christians are sanctified by Christ and set apart for holiness as God’s possession. The lives of true believers will always hold onto repentance when they sin and have faith God has forgiven them and the result will be fruits of righteousness. Read Mark 12:30, John 14:15 and 15:14, 1 John 2:6, 2 Chronicles 16:9 and a reoccurring theme that true believers follow God, obey Him, and live in morality instead of immorality. 1 john 1:9 also explains that if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive all believers who seek to repent of sins. We can be confident we are saved. Struggling with sin is no joke and our society makes it hard, but there is still no excuse.

        Christians need to stand apart more than ever in this age and not fear those who harm our bodies, but only God who has the power to throw us into hell or save us into heaven in a relationship with Him.

        Preaching the truth of the gospel that humans are sinful and at war with God and must be punished for their transgressions is not popular, nor the idea that a loving Savior came to save them from this wrath. People do not want to admit they cannot save themselves by being good, or that they need a Savior to rescue them from hell. In fact, people do not want to admit that God is angry and hates sin and only want to believe God loves them no matter what. The truth is God loves people, wants to save them, but in His justice He must punish sin. The only way out is a substitutionary sacrifice (Jesus Christ on the cross).

       Another problem with truth people have in churches are matters of doctrine. People do not want to differentiate false doctrines from true doctrines. People want to avoid any kind of conflict or stance for absolute truth. This is a self righteous and false humility that has caused most of the church to be secular and unconcerned with true teaching. Whatever feels right is good to them, they have a sensual attitude toward truth. If it FEELS good it must be true. but pleasure or good feelings are not always true and nor are they happiness and in many cases pleasure and good vibes lead people to destruction. Drugs give extreme pleasure to the brain and body, sexual sin feels amazing to some people and they hunger for it, being proud and believing you are in control also feels good, but these attitudes are self destructive.

        Christians need to keep promoting unpopular truth, the actual gospel and the fact that sin is destroying people and a true believer takes a true stance and sides with God in all truth, actively pursues true teaching in the bible and wants to live holy for God’s glory. Repentance, faith, and fruits of righteousness mark the true Christian in this world. This is a very counter-cultural stance and hard for many to do.