LaVey Satanists Have A Desperate Need For Attention

LaVey Satanists Have A Desperate Need For Attention

        In my experience the typical people claiming to be a Satanist come off as a pretentious goofballs with a desperate need for attention. They especially seem to take great pleasure in assuring us they don’t actually worship the Devil. When someone talks about them worshiping Lucifer they love to correct people and say “No REAL satanist worships Satan! He does not even exist! Just like your God does not exist! Instead Satan is a symbol of adversary to Christianity! They express how they are “in the know” and everyone else is so ignorant. They remind me the typical Wiccan witches who love to express to everyone that the Pentagram they use is not upside down like the Satanic pentagram is which is known as the “Sigil of Baphomet” (The Church of Satan uses it as their official symbol). Baphomet is the name of a goat deity known as a “Sabbatic Goat.” The term “baphomet” originally just meant an occultic deity certain “Knights Templar” members were accused of worshiping. The goat idol became associated with the occult and the idea of Devil worship popularized it in the mid-1800’s. only in 1966 did the Church of Satan use the goat deity with the pentagram to associate it with Satanism.

Examples of symbols:

Neopagan symbol of “right side up star” pentagram used by Wiccas. Can be with or without a circle.

Without a circle

“Upside down star” pentagram mostly used by Satanists of various types

“Sigil of Baphomet” first appeared in Clef de la Magie Noirse, a book written in 1897 by occultist Stanisla de Guaita






Sigil of Baphomet, the official symbol of the Church of Satan




Goat deity known as Baphomet associated with Satan. It has breasts but is also male.


Typical people wanting to associate with LaVey Satanism seem to relish the confusion or accusations of literal Satan worship thrown at them by the media and average people who do not know what the Church of Satan believes. These people love to “enlighten” such ignorant people that they truly do not worship the Devil but are actually Atheists and follow a theatrical religion. What is funny is most of these people are new to Satanism or really do not follow what the Church of Satan typically promotes. Even so, the Church of Satan itself comes off as an organization of elitists who think they are more profound, intelligent, deep, and important than everybody else. The official website of the church has a whole rant against “internet Satanists” that is pretty long. I find it amusing. It is basically saying “Hey guys we are the REAL Satanists! You are fakes!! You poseurs!!! ” Yes, they spelled it the pretentious way of spelling poser.

If an organization does not believe in any God or supernatural beings, not even Satan, but they enjoy using Christian ideas such as “a Satan” and “666” and other silly theatrical things that actually come from the Bible, then they are simply just riding off the waves of Christianity in order to draw attention to themselves and their ideas. It is awfully silly and unnecessary and just immature. They are hypocritical in their criticism of the so called “poseurs” who run website and pretend to be Satanic and are trying too hard. They in turn do the exact same thing but at a different degree.

There are on the other hand Devil worshipers but they are not a part of the Church of Satan and may or may not be a part of some organization. Many call themselves “Theistic Satanists” who worship Satan as a being literally as God. The Church of Satan claims there is no such thing as a true theistic satanist as the concepts of “theistic” and “Satanism” are a contradiction. They are only a contradiction if you accept their term of what Satanism is. They are elitists who think they are really original, when in  fact their philosophy has always existed before them throughout history when man decides to elevate himself above God and refuse to believe God exists. Such people throughout history did not need to draw a name from a fallen angel. So why do Satanists claim there are rules such as only expressing “wrath within reason” against someone, and do not do illegal things etc. So for the LaVeyists out there, who is the grand arbitrator of true morality, or what is right and what is wrong? How far is too far and why? If there is no God who decides what is and is not okay to indulge in?

While there are devil worshiping “theistic satanists” out there who seem to think Lavay Satanists are weak and the true posers since they do not worship Satan literally in defiance of God. The Devil worshipers accept that God exists but think they can destroy God or defeat Him, and that Satan is actually strong and frees them. Such people are involved in occult magic and demon possession such as groups like Temple of Set (offshoot from Church of Satan by former members including Anton LaVey’s daughter who was a member) and the Temple of the Black Light from Norway composed of many black metal musicians who practice an esoteric Satan worship. At least such “Satanic, Christian-hating orders” have the guts to fully worship Satan, while the LaVeyists pretend and use the name to show off.

LaVeyists really are not their own gods as they claim, but simply follow dead prophet named Anton LaVey and his rules and ideas and whatever silly high priest (who literally looks like a goofball) is in office, who also wears all black and has a silly beard and looks like a nerd + beatnik (pre-hipster), yet mocks those who take up Satanism with scary clothes and demonic imagery. Yet the original church of Satan itself uses demonic imagery. It is all nonsense. It is a hierarchy of posers from the wannabe Church of Satan members to the actual members themselves who are also posers on another level (they are the elitists). Their Satanic ideas are absurd. “There is no god, you are your own god and you do whatever you want! Sin all the time! Oh wait don not sin too much and please do it within reason. We don’t want to get in trouble or anything…”

Church of Satan members are simply atheists who enjoy sin who want to feel special and get their kicks out of reactions and shock value. This is my opinion.

Whether or not the Church of Satan or any offshoots like The First Church of Satan actually worship the devil and have been deceiving the public has not been proven but there are speculations. Even so, if they are simply silly theatrical Satanists who are just atheists playing “devil” stuff for pretend does not matter since they are still godless, unsaved, sinners who are salves to Satan on earth and their sins whether they want to believe it or not. They all need to repent of their sins and follow God. Their pride and arrogance keeps them from the humility necessary to repent of sin and accept God for who He is, that He is loving and the standard of what is true and good, that humans need to fear Him and submit to Him and quit their sins, that Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved and truly given freedom. Indulging in sin leads to death.

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