You May Be The Only Bible Some People Will Ever See/Read Is One Of The Most Absurd Boomer Evangelical Statements Ever Uttered

You May Be The Only Bible Some People Will Ever See/Read Is One Of The Most Absurd Boomer Evangelical Statements Ever Uttered

Careful, you may be the ONLY Bible some people will ever see. You better behave and act good and holy and kind and loving or else THEY could go to HELL because of YOU.

This idea probably came about in the 1970s as it was well known and said all the time as a child in the 1980’s in church groups I attended. This is cookie cutter silly Christianity. The Evangelical scene has been responsible for some of the dumbest things ever invented within Christian circles. I am not bashing Evangelicalism as a whole since I probably am one and some teachers I listen to are certainly as well. But you have to admit the popular church culture created from modern evangelicalism has caused many people to go astray or not even understand the Bible.

Claiming that if you sin or act bad and someone sees it who does not know you or go to church could go to hell, or that if they do see you behave good they might follow God is a joke. First of all by this time in church history there is no possible way anyone has never physically seen a Bible laying around somewhere or on TV or anything else. Everyone know what a Bible is and could pick it up and read it if they cared. The fact they don’t is enough to know that if they see me sin it will have no effect on them for or against God unless they knew me personally and knew for a fact I was a hardcore Christian. Also, people have seen scripture written on church signs, o billboards, in papers, heard them uttered in real life and on TV and movies or the radio. It is impossible for anyone in the entire world to not have heard of Jesus or the Bible, UNLESS…they live in the 3rd world country and have absolutely no internet or media anywhere and must live in a tribal region in the wilderness in some hunter gatherer society. Believe it or not there are a few isolated tribes in the world, Amazon, an island in India, etc. Even so there are still other tribal people or societies who may know that other countries and races exist as well as religions but simply have not yet heard of Christianity or our Bible. Most would be very young. But this is besides the point.

Everyone has heard of the Bible and your sins or your good behavior will not save anyone or cause anyone to go to hell. Only God will save people and if He wants them they will repent by hearing the Word of God. They must know the gospel. So if you did sin and someone saw you be a hypocrite it won’t keep them from knowing Jesus sometime. Your outward sins are not too powerful for the Holy Spirit to show them the gospel and give them repentance. Also, your good behavior and kindness may be a good witness of a true Christian but it will also not save anyone alone. It is faith that saves us, so it is faith that saved other people. The Holy Spirit convicts. Some people will witness your good works but still hate God or not feel the need to repent.

You are not actually a Bible. You are a Christian, a servant of God through Christ’s power. The Bible is the Bible. So if some way you sin and a stranger sees it then it’s not going to matter unless they know you. For example, if you are some bible teacher or pastor and someone sees you sin they could feel that you are fake and Christianity is a fake belief system full of terrible lying people. But if they see you behave godly and righteous they will only have good things to say about your faith.

If you are a Christian and someone sees you and you feel that it is up to you and your behavior to be a Bible that someone may read, or the only bible they may read why not talk to them and share your faith? If you see a person witness to them. If you are driving on the freeway and there is a stranger you obviously cannot talk to them and if you were speeding or didn’t use a turn signal that is not going to be what causes someone to hate God and go to hell. Get real.

Yes, we should be good and behave righteously and purge sin from our lives, but let’s be honest, people have no excuse in this world to not know God or what His word says in it’s most basic format. It’s everywhere. We should also witness with our mouths and also show people the actual Bible so they can be saved. Do not live with guilt if you did sin one day and assume that this person will go to hell because of YOU and not their own sins. Repent of your bad behavior and pray for that person you offended and if you get a chance apologize, but don’t make it weird.

These kinds of sayings come from people who make God’s word all liberal, soft, watered down, and silly. Modern evangelicalism really does not want to teach hard biblical teachings and correct theology and instead embrace emotionalism and stupid “inspirational quotes” and “phrases” like this. Let’s be better than this and stop saying these boomer culture phrases. Not that baby boomers are all bad, but that generation did cause a lot of grief to the world and is responsible for the state we are in now, but believe me when I saw #NotAllBoomers. Some of the best teachers are boomer aged like my dad and my mom who taught me scripture from birth. I am thankful that they do not say such stupid things and never have to me when I was growing up. But I still hear it all the time in churches like it somehow a profound and deep statements or fact. I roll my eyes every time and cringe when I hear someone say it.

It’s Been Over 3 Years Since Writing

It’s Been Over 3 Years Since Writing

I have not written for years because I had nothing to say. I said a lot of things. All I know is the crazy time we live in is more proof that the Antichrist is going to revealed soon. At no point in history has the entire world been in similar thought and in such deception. Woke culture, Antifa, corporatism, hating white people because historically whites created Western culture, but hating Christians more, the serious threat of worldwide communism with one leader and more.

There is a lot going on. But do not be alarmed. Also, taking it t the streets was a good thing many of us did in the USA for a few years but the state of our country and world governments and tracking is enough reason to think up of another tactic. Obviously, the only effective tactic is to embrace Jesus Christ above all things and stop thinking political activism alone will save America or the world. We should move on to better things and focus on bettering ourselves, supporting our families, teaching our children and attending church. Study the Bible.

Yep Biola, It Was Me, I Wrote Light House Trails

Yep Biola, It Was Me, I Wrote Light House Trails

        It is 2018. 10 years after I wrote a letter to Lighthouse Trails about Biola Univesity promoting occult spirituality and my serious concern that the campus is not actually a Christian campus. I will tell you I was afraid to write to Light House Trails because I KNEW I would be serious persecuted if I was found out. Many people demanded whoever wrote Light House Trails should step forward and leave Biola.
Here is the Light House Trails Research article about my letter I TOLD them to publish:
Biola University Student Reports on Contemplative Chapel Services – Warns Parents to Avoid Biola

In light of the fact Dr. Barry Corey, the president of Biola has gone on a Catholic Sabbatical I am only affirmed 10 years later. I graduated from Biola with a degree in Intercultural Studies and minor is TESOL and Bible. I am glad I have a college educated, but moreso, the Lord educated me in spiritual warfare. No, not the spiritual warfare of the mystical crazy concepts of the Charismatics and Pentecostals and what was promoted heavily on campus as valid. But intellectual and deep spiritual warfare.

How am I doing 10 years later? I have had my ups and downs. A lot of post traumati stress and more from my spiritual experiences on campus and after campus. I will leave you will an article to check out on how Biola is embracing the heretical. When I graduated I shook Dr. Barry Corey’s hand. It sickens me to know that Biola which was once a historic, biblical, evangelical university that promoted the TRUE Gospel of the Bible, the Word of God has been so corrupted with Satanic deception. Not only their New Age, Occult spirituality, but the rampant sexual immorality and drunkenness of about 90% of the students there (my own opinion and observations). There are demons there and many kids will have problems if they are true Christians who want the truth of God to be promoted. I a not ashamed and there is NOTHING Biola or anyone associated with them can do to me now. Nothing. Freedom of speech, America, and my right. It feels great to openly admit how terrible Biola is for real Christians to go to. I still wear my Biola hoody and t-shirts to show my pride in my own education and to show that I made it out without selling out to heresy.

I am in no way perfect and I am a sinner in need of God’s grace through Jesus Christ, the ONLY way to salvation. I am someone who is only saved through repentance and my faith not by works and not by spiritual formation or contemplating myself. There seemed to be no desire to correct sin on campus or be told we need to live holy. I remember the “Sex and the Soul” conference that seemed to create sexual tension on campus and promote lust in the hearts of people through a deceptive message about “biblical sex” which was not biblical at all. Anyway, enough of this. Check out Light House Trails report on the embrace of Catholic Mysticism.

Biola University – Going . . . Going . . . Gone As President Takes Sabbatical At Catholic Contemplative Monastery

I am unashamed in my stance!

Not Only Your Local Charismatic Pastor Can Do It

Not Only Your Local Charismatic Pastor Can Do It

Not just your average charismatic pastor or your favorite faith healer can do it. Buddhists and Hindus have been doing it for centuries or longer. The idea of using power called chi or ki to cause people to fall over, convulse, trip around and more. Here is an example of some Chi master.

What is interesting is what he says just after halfway when he goes on to speak. He says that the more his students train the more they become Buddhists. He mentions there is no real religion but we should only be a good person and the more Buddhist you become. Do not get involved in politics or divisive things he says. That would mean do not stand up for your beliefs or what is true, or theology. This has been adopted by the New Age way of thinking and all of the charismatics are becoming more Buddhist and even practicing meditation like this teacher in the video says. Meditation to concentrate your power is much the same as the Spiritual Formation or Centering Prayer the emergents promoted and the Spiritual Formation movement now pushes.

It is the same stuff, different religion. Different religion, same stuff!! It’s the same results! What the Charismatics and Pentecostals call Holy Spirit power or Holy Spirit energy is the same spirit the Buddhists use and whatever gurus, monks, and spiritual teachers of whatever magical and energy practices use. So one is from God but the other who shows exactly the same thing is not from God? Which one is more powerful? They both look the same to me.

What is really pathetic is when the charismatic missionaries go to countries who are steeped in Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism and more it becomes like the New Testament where people seek out powers like Simon the Sorcerer and just a way to do tricks and influence people. The people mix Buddhism with the Bible and more and no one gets saved from hell but falls steeper into deception. They just become universalists who reject absolute truth. Definately what will allow the Anti-Christ’s religion to take power when everyone is brain dead to truth and theology in order to “not be divisive” and have some form of “world peace.”

Why Did God Have To March On Tree Tops To Defeat The Philistines And Not Air?

Why Did God Have To March On Tree Tops To Defeat The Philistines And Not Air?

        The scene is found in 2 Samuel 5:22-25. Just before the Philistines found out that David was newly anointed the King of Israel so they went on a search and destroy mission. David hear about it and moved into his stronghold to wait. After inquiring of the Lord he set out in a full frontal assault and defeated them easily with God’s help. This did not stop the Philistines just yet. They came out for more a second time. This time God told David not to directly attack them, but to circle around behind them and attack them opposite of some balsam trees. The Lord told David to act decisively because He would be marching out before them ahead. God told David that it would be apparent the Lord is marching out ahead of his army t attack the camp of the Philistines because David and his men would actually hear the sounds of God’s marching in the tops of the balsam trees. David did what God said. So obviously he heard the sounds of marching in the tops of trees then attacked and slaughtered many Philistines for miles. He won.

The text:

 The Philistines came up again and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim. So David inquired of the Lord, and He answered, “Do not make a frontal assault. Circle around behind them and attack them opposite the balsam trees. When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, act decisively, for then the Lord will have marched out ahead of you to attack the camp of the Philistines.” So David did exactly as the Lord commanded him, and he struck down the Philistines all the way from Geba to Gezer.

        Why did God have to do it this way this time? Why circle around and why did he have to hear marching and why did God have to use the tree tops to make the sound of his marching known? These are questions I think about after watching documentaries on the History Channel or somewhere else about biblical things. Shows like Battles B.C. who created an episode on the battle of Jericho completely ignored all supernatural things or wrote them off and tried to explain them away with natural things. After reading the above passage it causes me to play the Devil’s advocate and pretend I am a secular scholar explaining away the supernatural occurrence with something natural. I will raise up skepticism with statements and then answer it from my own thoughts.

        David did not really talk to God or hear him. It was his own mind and his own confidence as a new king to defeat the Philistines. The first battle, he defeated them by pure will power and might. The second battle where he went to the trees was a new trick he used in order to confuse the Philistines who would expect another full frontal assault. When David went to the trees there must have been wind that blew the trees around making the branches hit together. David mistook that for God marching above him in the tree tops. With David’s confidence as a new King who felt destined to own all of Israel this empowered him even more to go into battle and with this energy he won a second time. He used military genius to defeat them again and it was not anything supernatural. 

No. It was supernatural and David may have bad prior battle experience in Saul’s army and was a new King but this does not mean he would be simply confident in himself. Obviously the Philistines scared him and he ran away into his stronghold to wait. He did not just go and fight them. He waited and was protected in his stronghold. That does not speak of military confidence or an assumption he will win in himself. He did wait and did inquire of the Lord. He did everything like that and only fought when the Lord told him he would win. The Philistine army was fierce and always scared the Israelites even int he days of Saul and they freshly defeated Saul and his men just a bit earlier which included the death of Jonathon. Obviously David was not confident in himself. David also just fought on the side of Judah in a small civil war with Israel and Benjamin. This would not build military confidence in a newly appointed King. God did talk to David and did fight for him and went out to attack before David so he would have victory.

Why would God have to use trees to make sounds? Couldn’t he do it in the air with nothing if He is God? If God is so powerful why would he need to use tree tops to make marching sounds? It was obviously wind or a storm that shook the tree tops which David superstitiously assumed was God.

There is no mention of wind or any kind of storm during this battle. If there was a storm or high winds it seems as though it would be important enough to mention. If there wa sa storm and high winds why would David assume the wind blowing the trees was God marching? It would be blatantly obviously it was just wind. No, this had to be something way different and unusual. Since there is no mention of a storm it is totally right to assume the day was clear and normal. There is also no mention of the trees physically moving. No mention of branches or trees swaying either. It is right to assume they di not move, the trees did no sway, and the trees were still and God marched over them and the sound was supernatural. Did God march alone as Himself or did God bring his army?  Would David have heard 1 pair of feet marching for God alone or would he have heard multitudes of feet marching from God bringing his angels into the battle? I believe God brought his heavenly army into the battle so David heard God heavenly army with his angels feet marching above the trees. The trees remained still and there was no wind and the only noise was God and His army marching towards the Philistines.

So why did God have to be above trees and not the air? Well if it was in the air with no trees it could be possibly mistaken for thunder. Thunder has been known to occur even on days it seems there is no storm. God also probably wanted to use a physical thing on earth as a reference point for David and his soldiers to have clearer hearing and sight. God probably wanted David to stay behind the Philistines so they could not flee backwards after God disrupts them for the second time. The first battle before this God burst out into them so they may he terrified to run backwards. This would enable David to kill them easier. Also, with the trees being perfectly still and God’s marching above them, David’s men would not be confused to assume it was just a windy day or thunder. With no movement of trees and just the sounds of an army above them would give them total faith in God that this is supernatural.

I find it silly when secular scholars explain away miracles or the supernatural history in the Bible as some natural thing. It would not be possible to win these biblical battles without the Lord. These were no win situations for the Israelites if they had to rely on their own tactics and fighting ability. The enemies of Israel were so powerful an scary. It was God who won the battles and was completely supernatural. God did physically march over the trees that day and did fight for David.

That day David listened to the Lord and he defeated the evil army of the Philistines and had rest. God moved and worked in very special ways in ancient times. God was actively and physically guiding Israel during the Old Testament times. We no long for this to happen again. We can be assured that on the Day of the Lord when Christ returns there will be en even bigger noise and terror in the world.

The Destruction Of American Society Has Started

The Destruction Of American Society Has Started

Welcome to the beginning of the destruction of American society. America is now officially a gay country. The family union is now going to be destroyed and over time Christian religion will be targeted and forced to comply against their convictions, except Mosques will be exempt obviously, and the history of America will no longer be acknowledged for any symbol such as a flag that the progressives deem offensive will be taken down and hidden or thrown away. Believe me we think maybe we have had enough but parents have already failed to grow up intelligent children who have rational thinking and allowed public schools and college professors to raise their kids who will now vote in the next progressive regime who will make government larger and bigger and bigger until it controls every little aspect of our lives from what we eat, what we are allowed to say, and what we think. We are already using population control and murdering babies even at late term in the womb, and allowing assisted suicide to thin the population and the lie of global warming is used as a fear tactic to control further. No one will be able to make money and gain wealth or get out of debt to the government for college loans, welfare, and other things we will be taxed on further until no one is rich and everyone is poor except the government. And we will have no guns at all fight fight back with to keep the government in check because everyone will give them up because of the few James Holmes and Roofs.

God will not honor the sin of America and we will only continue to fail unless there is somehow a turn back in the right direction. It seems unlikely. The government dictates to everyone what is to be done and forced upon us even if every state votes something down. All that matters is the activist judges.

Killing Jesus Movie Was a Huge Disappointment

Killing Jesus Movie Was a Huge Disappointment

        Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus film was a huge disappointment which I knew it would be. I never read the book but I was hoping it would be accurate. The Jesus portrayed in his film was pretty much like any secular version of Jesus in other films: the whole idea that Jesus is confused or does not know his own plans, and that ideas come into his head randomly as if he had an awakening or epiphany. Also, there were no miracles done by Jesus in the film at all. Jesus was also never called Christ in the film because Bill O’Reilly arrogantly believes that no one called Jesus “Christ” except after the New Testament was written later. But in the gospel of Matthew (16:16) Peter is quoted calling Jesus “The Christ, Son of the living God.” The woman at the well also is quoted  calling Jesus this (John 11:27),  which O’Reilly completely ignored, or is simply ignorant about. Yet, in the movie Peter is seen saying “You are the anointed one, son of the living God.” So he switched out the words on purpose and misrepresented Scripture.

        The actor who played Jesus was a Muslim and it’s obvious he has no clue about who Jesus really was. He was a very weak Jesus who had no real authority or powers. He was quite reserved. It was if Jesus was simply playing by ear and making things up as he went without knowing what would happen next. It was really annoying. Nothing Jesus did in the films was impressive or would make me want to follow him. It made no sense why anyone would be excited over him.

        I will say that some of the acting was well done and the costumes were pretty good. The head pharisee Caiaphas was pretty good. Except Bill O’Reilly made a wrongful assumption that the pharisees simply were afraid of Roman rule and somehow Jesus would cause the Romans to kill all the Jews. That is the reason, O’Reilly claims, they were so upset about Jesus. Nothing about legalism of the grace of God replacing works. But that is to be expected from a “Roman Catholic.” So it made the pharisee seem less evil than he really was in the Bible. Judas was also portrayed as some sad or cowardly guy who simply made mistakes to where you feel sorry for him. So you feel sad and sorry as any trace of ultimate evil, greed, wretchedness and outright, shameless betrayal, such as the Bible teaches us about Judas Iscariot, is not seen.

        Many of the events portrayed in the film were randomly placed out of historic order, or simply mixed together into one event. Scenes such as a child who is demon possessed who people think died but wakes up. It was a mixing of one of the demonic possession stories with the story of the child who died whom Jesus brought back to life. O’Reilly purposely left out any true miracles Jesus did and avoided them and mixed up stories to hide them. Only one miracle is shown where Peter draws in a ton of fish, yet even that story was not correct and could be interpreted as Jesus not being divine but praying to God for the ability to catch fish. It was quite weak.

        A really weak event was when Jesus clears out the temple marketplace. Which he did not even clear, but just randomly ran into and dumped a table over and yelled some. Then his disciples without understanding anything start yelling at people and pushing people around as well. That never happened, nor would Jesus want them to help. It was completely out of character for O’Reilly’s good natured, happy Jesus who had no commanding power. Oh and he did not even command an evil spirit out of the boy in the above mention. He simply hugs him and somehow the kid wakes up later. Just stupid.

        Another interesting thing about this movie is that they used mainly tan actors. Most looked Arabic or even Indian. Not so much light skinned Jews as we see today. Jesus was played by an Arab actor. It seemed there was a mix of any tan skinned race such as Hispanic-Latino, Indian, Arabic/Middle Eastern, possibly native american and others. Most anglo-looking-actors were the Romans. I think this is fine since it seems more historically accurate that Jesus and most of the Jews in New Testament times would have a darker complexion. I thought this was interesting, but it seemed a little over board and almost looked like Jesus was in South Asia and not the Middle East. I am sure there would be more lighter “olive” complexioned people as well. The actor who played Caiaphas was actually hazel eyed and olive skinned.

        Just everything about the film was completely shallow, boring, uninteresting, falsely represented, and no real political concern was really described or anything truly historic. It was a very annoying film. I only watched it so I could know the stupid things O’Reilly added or the true things he left out so I could tell any person who does not know the Bible the truth, and engage in discussion.

        I will have to say that this movie was 10x better than the outright garbage that is “The Bible” and “The Bible AD” (coming soon) put out by  Roma Downey and Mark Burnett for the History Channel, and their “compassionate high eye-browed hippy Jesus who is simply clueless.” It seems there will never be a well done Bible movie that is true to Scripture.

Typically You Cannot Rationalize With A Muslim

Typically You Cannot Rationalize With A Muslim

        I believe that there is no rational basis to believe in Islam or be a Muslim. I believe most often the believers of this religion base it on pure emotions with no real arguments. Here is an example of how it is to discuss religion with a Muslim:

What is really pathetic is the host lady is arguing from pure emotion then using ad hominem attacks and being unreasonable. She also does not understand the Quaran and looks like an ignoramus. Yet she called the woman guest ignorant. Yet this host wants Sharia Law all over the world. So why is she not wearing a hajeeb or veil? She has her hair done and is not covered up at all. She is a total hypocrite and looks absolutely stupid in how she talks.

But I find this behavior happens often when I talk about religion or ask about Islam with a Muslim. They have no real answers and refuse to discuss or explain anything and end up insulting me and refusing to listen. These are basically all moderate Muslims who have their heads in the sand about Islamofascist terrorism worldwide and the fact they do not seem to have the slightest clue in how to interpret the Quaran unless it is a liberal way that doe snot take “Allah’s word” literally.

Yoga Is Not For Christians

Yoga Is Not For Christians 

        Health and fitness in the last 15 or so years has become increasingly mixed with New Age spirituality. It is no longer just science about burning calories and fat, and becoming healthier in the body. It is now a “mind body” experience. A “holistic” experience. There is nothing wrong with a healthy mind and body. But it has gone beyond just mind and body and into spirit. So now it is “mind, body, spirit” that people think they are nurturing when doing fitness activities. This attitude is mostly promoted by practitioners of Yoga.

        The website states,

Yoga sutra consists of two words only: yogash chitta-critti-nirodah, which may be translated: “Yoga is the cessation of agitation of the consciousness.”

The word yoga is derived from the root yuj, which means to unite or to join together. The practice of yoga may lead to the union of the human with the divine – all within the self. The aim of yoga is the transformation of human beings from their natural form to a perfected form. The Yogic practices originated in the primordial depths of India’s past. From this early period the inner attitudes and disciplines which were later identified and given orderly expression by Patanjali. 

According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the classical text on yoga, the purpose of yoga is to lead to a silence of the mind (1.2). This silence is the prerequisite for the mind to be able to accurately reflect objective reality without its own subjective distortions. Yoga does not create this reality, which is above the mind, but only prepares the mind to apprehend it, by assisting in the transformation of the mind – from an ordinary mind full of noise, like a whole army of frenzied and drunken monkeys – to a still mind.” (

It also expresses: “Yoga is an integral part of the Hindu religion. There is a saying: “There is no Yoga without Hinduism and no Hinduism without Yoga.”

I took a Yoga class before at the YMCA because I worked there teaching Taekwondo and Kickboxing. I was waiting around for my class to start and followed along. Yes, the movements and poses they do can sometimes be challenging or build isolated muscles strength by various holds. It can also increase flexibility. This class was pretty much Yoga for yuppies and not a deeply spiritual class. The instructor did use terms that sounded new age and other expressions typical of Yoga instructors. But it was therapeutic in nature and also meditative. Like lying on your back and closing your eyes etc. Some of these drills can be used in a positive way but with Yoga’s historic roots it is obvious such classes are a gateway to New Age belief and Hinduism. This is something the Christian needs to avoid at all costs and not be open to. Of course I did not become demon possessed simply because I took a silly Yoga class for 1 hour and neither would anyone else. But over time becoming open to such ideas and getting deeper into the art you could very well open yourself up to unbiblical spiritual beliefs that can have a serous effect on you.

Yoga is simply a gateway into the eastern mystical traditions for the western culture. It is a shame many churches hold Yoga classes for their congregations. Yoga is simply a way that Satan uses to influence people and to soften their views of mysticism, new age, and occultic practices. We should shun it.

When I came back from the Philippines and was walking out of Los Angeles International Airport a Hare Krisha cult memeber gave me a tract talking about reincarnation. I took it home to see what they believe. Harre Krishna is a cult of Hinduism started in New York city by an Indian named Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It has gone international and has members worldwide. It is a modern Hindu sect. The man at the airport randomly wanted to speak to me and handed me several books. I had no clue what he wanted and I said, “Huh? You are giving these to me?” Then he demanded money and I said, “Money? No way! And gave them back.” He was pretty dumb about it. He was behaving in the manner of “No money? Then you cannot have these.” But he did give me a small booklet titles “Beyond Birth and Death.” It says i was written by “His divine grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.”

Chapter 2 of this booklet mentions some interesting things that Christians who are thinking about practicing Yoga should consider:

There are different kinds of transcendentalists, who are called yogis— hatha-yogis, jnana-yogis, dhyana-yogis, and bhakti-yogis— and all of them are eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world. The word yoga means “to link up,” and the yoga systems are meant to enable us to link with the transcendental world. As mentioned in the previous chapter, originally we are all connected to the Supreme Lord, but now we have been affected by material contamination. The process is that we have to return to the spiritual world, and the process of linking up is called yoga. Another meaning of the word yoga is “plus.” At the resent moment we are minus God, or minus the Supreme. When we add Krsna— or God— to our lives, this human form of life becomes perfect.” (p. 12)

It states further:

“‘One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and, (sic) by the strength of yoga, with an undeviating mind, engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord in full devotion, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.’ (Bg. 8.10 [meaning Bhagavad Gita 8.10 the popular 700 verse Hindu Scriptural book] ).” (p. 12-13)

This booklet goes on to explain concepts of Yoga helping the practitioner do transcendental meditation and traveling to planets and other such things and quoting more from the Bhagavad Gita. Such things described in the Hare Krishna booklet I received are clearly unbiblical and contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A person cannot attain perfection doing physical movements and meditating. A person does not have the divine “within self” and we do not have to return to a spiritual world. Humans are not connected to the “Supreme Lord” unless they are Christians who have the Holy Spirit living in them. Non-Christians are dead in their sins and not at all connected to God until they receive the Gospel message of repentance of their sins and faith in Christ for salvation. And most certainly no one is connected to a false god called Krishna or Krsna whom they deem in the “Supreme Lord.” That is idolatry.

It is clear Christians should NOT participate in Yoga or promote it. Before the Yoga trend athletes have always done various deep stretching, deep breathing, and other positive physical activities. They did not need a “spiritual” attribute to their athletic training. The Bible says, in 1 Timothy 4:8 expresses, “for the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. ” Paul was clearly teaching that there is a separation from physical training and spiritual training. They are different. The soul and body are not 1 thing. They are separate things. We are stuck in our flesh in this sinful body, and while we live we should do physical training to stay healthy and last longer for the purposes of God. But physical training itself does not save you or benefit you eternally. Our bodies still die. The Bible of course warns us to stay away from unhealthy practices such as gluttony, laziness, drunkenness and other things that give the human body bad health. God does want us to work our bodies and maintain health. But what is more beneficial is true spiritual training and learning from God’s word. It is separate. Practices like Yoga try to combine them and make them one. This is wrong.

There are various physical arts, systems, and styles that a human being can practice. Not all of them are satanic like Yoga. Yes, anything not biblical and contrary to the gospel truth is Satanic and demonic. It was brought fourth by lies to deceive and soften people to sin. Yoga fits this. On the other hand, dancing styles, gymnastics, and various sports are not sinful or full of false religion. Martial arts are also positive and non-religious. The thing about martial arts is uptight legalists do not understand the difference between culture and religion. They assume eastern customs such as bowing to the instructor, or to flags or photos of previous masters are religious worship. This is not true. It is the same as the military saluting those soldiers who died before them and saluting the flags and symbols of their regiments. In martial arts it is purely physical activity unless you practice a style that incorporates Buddhism or another religion into your training. This can happen in certain styles, but one can ignore it and train the self defense techniques. I personally would not recommend any Christian training in a system that promotes a false religion as mandatory study.

In different parts of the world there are different dominate religions. Within a culture a religion does affect certain customs or behaviors, but not every behavior is sinful simply because of a dominant religion. Certain philosophies or ideas are not inherently sinful either. While martial arts can easily be separated from religions (and should be), Yoga cannot. It is strictly a religious practice for Hinduism. It should be avoided. Christians should instead do conditioning classes with deep stretching and a focus on breathing. Martial arts offer this. In Taekwondo I teach my students to stretch in all kinds of ways, Yoga uses some of the same poses as various athletic training, but the training itself does not need Yoga to benefit.


A Blessing Through Killing The Wicked

A Blessing Through Killing The Wicked

        The Word of the LORD:

And Moses stood at the camp’s entrance and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites gathered around him. 27 He told them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘Every man fasten his sword to his side; go back and forth through the camp from entrance to entrance, and each of you kill his brother, his friend, and his neighbor.’”28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and about 3,000 men fell dead that day among the people.29 Afterward Moses said, “Today you have been dedicated[f] to the Lord, since each man went against his son and his brother. Therefore you have brought a blessing on yourselves today.” Exodus 32:26-29

        The Bible is against murder, but not killing. Killing can be done for various justifiable reasons whereas murder is unjustified and wrong. There is a difference. Any Christian who claims it is wrong to kill or soldiers are sinning because they kill enemies, or capital punishment is wrong because it murders criminals and life in prison is righteous, are not very intelligent or knowledgeable about what God’s Word says. Ecclesiastes 3:3 states that there is “a time to kill.” God commanded the Israelites all over the Old Testament to kill the wicked and commit mass genocide of wicked nations who were under God’s judgment. There were many wars fought with Israel against wicked nations. War then is much the same as it is now, except we do not literally have God commanding battles. Humanity is left on its own to figure it out. The problem is humanity is mostly sinful and the wars they start are for sinful causes. Even so, within this context there are righteous defenses to madmen. WW2 is one example of a righteous cause, a cause to fight the evils of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany led by madmen who wanted world domination and wanted to grasp it through murder and mayhem and the slaughter of innocent people. To allow such atrocities to occur and not stand up for it is insane. Hardly any normal person would claim it would have been better to let Germany and Japan do what they wanted and we should not have defended against them. All through history wars have been fought. Some wars have 2 sides who are both evil fighting each other much like what was described in the Old Testament where wicked nations fought other wicked nations such as described in Genesis 14.

        The key to being on the right side of any war is knowledge of the Bible and God’s standards of what is good. Obviously, if someone today wanted to fight the Islamic State most Americans would say that I.S. is an evil entity (whether or not one would think we should send troops or not). Being against them is righteous. Also, killing them is also righteous. Going to battle against I.S. and killing them is how you can stop them. In WW2 the Allies won the wars by going into battle and killing as many NAZIs and as many Imperialists on both the Western and pacific fronts. That is how you win wars. One side says, “we want to do this and will kill you to get it,” and the other says, “no you won’t because we will stop you and defend ourselves and kill you.” That is war. To win and to allow a better world to survive you must kill the enemy and as many as you can before have the advantage ot win so that they will surrender.

        It can be said killing is morally permissable also for capital punishment. Laws in the Bible over and over demanded the death of certain people who broke certain laws. Some laws were not punishable by death, but many were. Capital punishment is promoted by the LORD all over the Old Testament as well as supported by the New Testament when Paul states that “if you do wrong, be afraid, for [the government rulers] does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” Certain grievous sins deserve the death penalty. Wasting time on people serving life sentences is a waste of resources. God does not teach that we should provide life imprisonment for murderers or rapists, but they they should be put to death.

     God told Moses to command the Levites to kill everyone they could going forward to the other side of the camp, and then back to the first side of the camp. It was a forward and back clean sweep of everyone including their own family members and neighbors. God demanded the death for the horrible sin of idolatry right after God had rescued the Hebrews from Egypt. Moses stated that the Levites received blessing from God because of the act of killing approximately 3,000 people in 1 day. God demanded the execution of the wicked and it was just, because God commanded it, and they were under his righteous judgment. Sometimes it really is correct to kill people and God will bless those who do it.

        I believe God blessed America and the Allies in all the the killing of enemies in WW2 and provided a temporary time of prosperity for America. But like the Israelites America has become lazy, stiff necked, immoral, and idolatrous. America will not last much longer at the rate things are going.

        The only time killing is justified is if it is commanded by God, which today God is not physically present and audibly commanding things. God’s Word is how we receive God’s commandments. Any execution and any war fought needs to line up with Scripture. A soldier is under the command of his government and sent off to battle, they are not held accountable for killing enemies in battle. On the other hand, unjustified death such as mass genocide of innocent people is sinful. The only mass genocide commanded by God was in the Old Testament because the nations were under his judgment, not one person was innocent in those nations and God had deemed that it was their time to go. It was a specific time in Israel’s history for their nation and society alone. It is not a command by God to kill everyone who is in a false religion. God is perfect and absolutely holy. He is a righteous judge and allowed to make decisions on who lives and who dies. Nobody else! No one else in the Old Testament made these judgments, but simply followed orders from God who literally was there telling them what to do. Through Christ, now days we understand that vengeance is God’s and not ours, so we spread the Gospel. But when we are attacked by evil forces, or our family is in danger by criminals we are very justified in defending ourselves even to the point of killing a criminal or attacker, as well as justified in sending soldiers to war to face enemies and hopefully killing them. I believe today the truest evil in the world we are threatened with are the radical Islamists, the Islamic terrorists, who are torturing, raping, murdering, at an unbelievable rate everyone who does not perfectly fit their ideology. These enemies are named the Islamic State and Al Qaeda (including all their affiliates).  I believe it is morally justified to kill as many of them as we can before they kill all of us. And believe me they will kill as many Americans as they can if they get here. Our government has a God given obligation to protect us and defeat such types of enemies. Sending soldiers to battle is the right thing to do, yet our President does not care. The time to kill is now!