Yep Biola, It Was Me, I Wrote Light House Trails

Yep Biola, It Was Me, I Wrote Light House Trails

        It is 2018. 10 years after I wrote a letter to Lighthouse Trails about Biola Univesity promoting occult spirituality and my serious concern that the campus is not actually a Christian campus. I will tell you I was afraid to write to Light House Trails because I KNEW I would be serious persecuted if I was found out. Many people demanded whoever wrote Light House Trails should step forward and leave Biola.
Here is the Light House Trails Research article about my letter I TOLD them to publish:
Biola University Student Reports on Contemplative Chapel Services – Warns Parents to Avoid Biola

In light of the fact Dr. Barry Corey, the president of Biola has gone on a Catholic Sabbatical I am only affirmed 10 years later. I graduated from Biola with a degree in Intercultural Studies and minor is TESOL and Bible. I am glad I have a college educated, but moreso, the Lord educated me in spiritual warfare. No, not the spiritual warfare of the mystical crazy concepts of the Charismatics and Pentecostals and what was promoted heavily on campus as valid. But intellectual and deep spiritual warfare.

How am I doing 10 years later? I have had my ups and downs. A lot of post traumati stress and more from my spiritual experiences on campus and after campus. I will leave you will an article to check out on how Biola is embracing the heretical. When I graduated I shook Dr. Barry Corey’s hand. It sickens me to know that Biola which was once a historic, biblical, evangelical university that promoted the TRUE Gospel of the Bible, the Word of God has been so corrupted with Satanic deception. Not only their New Age, Occult spirituality, but the rampant sexual immorality and drunkenness of about 90% of the students there (my own opinion and observations). There are demons there and many kids will have problems if they are true Christians who want the truth of God to be promoted. I a not ashamed and there is NOTHING Biola or anyone associated with them can do to me now. Nothing. Freedom of speech, America, and my right. It feels great to openly admit how terrible Biola is for real Christians to go to. I still wear my Biola hoody and t-shirts to show my pride in my own education and to show that I made it out without selling out to heresy.

I am in no way perfect and I am a sinner in need of God’s grace through Jesus Christ, the ONLY way to salvation. I am someone who is only saved through repentance and my faith not by works and not by spiritual formation or contemplating myself. There seemed to be no desire to correct sin on campus or be told we need to live holy. I remember the “Sex and the Soul” conference that seemed to create sexual tension on campus and promote lust in the hearts of people through a deceptive message about “biblical sex” which was not biblical at all. Anyway, enough of this. Check out Light House Trails report on the embrace of Catholic Mysticism.

Biola University – Going . . . Going . . . Gone As President Takes Sabbatical At Catholic Contemplative Monastery

I am unashamed in my stance!

5 thoughts on “Yep Biola, It Was Me, I Wrote Light House Trails

  1. Hey, man, please get in touch with me if you’d like. We share the same theology on a lot of things and some similar tastes in music. I’m trying to put together something that touches a lot of those things, and I’m thinking that you’d be a great asset. Many of the things that you are trying to expose and bring to light are things that I’m concerned with as well.

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