Yep Biola, It Was Me, I Wrote Light House Trails

Yep Biola, It Was Me, I Wrote Light House Trails

        It is 2018. 10 years after I wrote a letter to Lighthouse Trails about Biola Univesity promoting occult spirituality and my serious concern that the campus is not actually a Christian campus. I will tell you I was afraid to write to Light House Trails because I KNEW I would be serious persecuted if I was found out. Many people demanded whoever wrote Light House Trails should step forward and leave Biola.
Here is the Light House Trails Research article about my letter I TOLD them to publish:
Biola University Student Reports on Contemplative Chapel Services – Warns Parents to Avoid Biola

In light of the fact Dr. Barry Corey, the president of Biola has gone on a Catholic Sabbatical I am only affirmed 10 years later. I graduated from Biola with a degree in Intercultural Studies and minor is TESOL and Bible. I am glad I have a college educated, but moreso, the Lord educated me in spiritual warfare. No, not the spiritual warfare of the mystical crazy concepts of the Charismatics and Pentecostals and what was promoted heavily on campus as valid. But intellectual and deep spiritual warfare.

How am I doing 10 years later? I have had my ups and downs. A lot of post traumati stress and more from my spiritual experiences on campus and after campus. I will leave you will an article to check out on how Biola is embracing the heretical. When I graduated I shook Dr. Barry Corey’s hand. It sickens me to know that Biola which was once a historic, biblical, evangelical university that promoted the TRUE Gospel of the Bible, the Word of God has been so corrupted with Satanic deception. Not only their New Age, Occult spirituality, but the rampant sexual immorality and drunkenness of about 90% of the students there (my own opinion and observations). There are demons there and many kids will have problems if they are true Christians who want the truth of God to be promoted. I a not ashamed and there is NOTHING Biola or anyone associated with them can do to me now. Nothing. Freedom of speech, America, and my right. It feels great to openly admit how terrible Biola is for real Christians to go to. I still wear my Biola hoody and t-shirts to show my pride in my own education and to show that I made it out without selling out to heresy.

I am in no way perfect and I am a sinner in need of God’s grace through Jesus Christ, the ONLY way to salvation. I am someone who is only saved through repentance and my faith not by works and not by spiritual formation or contemplating myself. There seemed to be no desire to correct sin on campus or be told we need to live holy. I remember the “Sex and the Soul” conference that seemed to create sexual tension on campus and promote lust in the hearts of people through a deceptive message about “biblical sex” which was not biblical at all. Anyway, enough of this. Check out Light House Trails report on the embrace of Catholic Mysticism.

Biola University – Going . . . Going . . . Gone As President Takes Sabbatical At Catholic Contemplative Monastery

I am unashamed in my stance!

The Destruction Of American Society Has Started

The Destruction Of American Society Has Started

Welcome to the beginning of the destruction of American society. America is now officially a gay country. The family union is now going to be destroyed and over time Christian religion will be targeted and forced to comply against their convictions, except Mosques will be exempt obviously, and the history of America will no longer be acknowledged for any symbol such as a flag that the progressives deem offensive will be taken down and hidden or thrown away. Believe me we think maybe we have had enough but parents have already failed to grow up intelligent children who have rational thinking and allowed public schools and college professors to raise their kids who will now vote in the next progressive regime who will make government larger and bigger and bigger until it controls every little aspect of our lives from what we eat, what we are allowed to say, and what we think. We are already using population control and murdering babies even at late term in the womb, and allowing assisted suicide to thin the population and the lie of global warming is used as a fear tactic to control further. No one will be able to make money and gain wealth or get out of debt to the government for college loans, welfare, and other things we will be taxed on further until no one is rich and everyone is poor except the government. And we will have no guns at all fight fight back with to keep the government in check because everyone will give them up because of the few James Holmes and Roofs.

God will not honor the sin of America and we will only continue to fail unless there is somehow a turn back in the right direction. It seems unlikely. The government dictates to everyone what is to be done and forced upon us even if every state votes something down. All that matters is the activist judges.

A Blessing Through Killing The Wicked

A Blessing Through Killing The Wicked

        The Word of the LORD:

And Moses stood at the camp’s entrance and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites gathered around him. 27 He told them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘Every man fasten his sword to his side; go back and forth through the camp from entrance to entrance, and each of you kill his brother, his friend, and his neighbor.’”28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and about 3,000 men fell dead that day among the people.29 Afterward Moses said, “Today you have been dedicated[f] to the Lord, since each man went against his son and his brother. Therefore you have brought a blessing on yourselves today.” Exodus 32:26-29

        The Bible is against murder, but not killing. Killing can be done for various justifiable reasons whereas murder is unjustified and wrong. There is a difference. Any Christian who claims it is wrong to kill or soldiers are sinning because they kill enemies, or capital punishment is wrong because it murders criminals and life in prison is righteous, are not very intelligent or knowledgeable about what God’s Word says. Ecclesiastes 3:3 states that there is “a time to kill.” God commanded the Israelites all over the Old Testament to kill the wicked and commit mass genocide of wicked nations who were under God’s judgment. There were many wars fought with Israel against wicked nations. War then is much the same as it is now, except we do not literally have God commanding battles. Humanity is left on its own to figure it out. The problem is humanity is mostly sinful and the wars they start are for sinful causes. Even so, within this context there are righteous defenses to madmen. WW2 is one example of a righteous cause, a cause to fight the evils of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany led by madmen who wanted world domination and wanted to grasp it through murder and mayhem and the slaughter of innocent people. To allow such atrocities to occur and not stand up for it is insane. Hardly any normal person would claim it would have been better to let Germany and Japan do what they wanted and we should not have defended against them. All through history wars have been fought. Some wars have 2 sides who are both evil fighting each other much like what was described in the Old Testament where wicked nations fought other wicked nations such as described in Genesis 14.

        The key to being on the right side of any war is knowledge of the Bible and God’s standards of what is good. Obviously, if someone today wanted to fight the Islamic State most Americans would say that I.S. is an evil entity (whether or not one would think we should send troops or not). Being against them is righteous. Also, killing them is also righteous. Going to battle against I.S. and killing them is how you can stop them. In WW2 the Allies won the wars by going into battle and killing as many NAZIs and as many Imperialists on both the Western and pacific fronts. That is how you win wars. One side says, “we want to do this and will kill you to get it,” and the other says, “no you won’t because we will stop you and defend ourselves and kill you.” That is war. To win and to allow a better world to survive you must kill the enemy and as many as you can before have the advantage ot win so that they will surrender.

        It can be said killing is morally permissable also for capital punishment. Laws in the Bible over and over demanded the death of certain people who broke certain laws. Some laws were not punishable by death, but many were. Capital punishment is promoted by the LORD all over the Old Testament as well as supported by the New Testament when Paul states that “if you do wrong, be afraid, for [the government rulers] does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” Certain grievous sins deserve the death penalty. Wasting time on people serving life sentences is a waste of resources. God does not teach that we should provide life imprisonment for murderers or rapists, but they they should be put to death.

     God told Moses to command the Levites to kill everyone they could going forward to the other side of the camp, and then back to the first side of the camp. It was a forward and back clean sweep of everyone including their own family members and neighbors. God demanded the death for the horrible sin of idolatry right after God had rescued the Hebrews from Egypt. Moses stated that the Levites received blessing from God because of the act of killing approximately 3,000 people in 1 day. God demanded the execution of the wicked and it was just, because God commanded it, and they were under his righteous judgment. Sometimes it really is correct to kill people and God will bless those who do it.

        I believe God blessed America and the Allies in all the the killing of enemies in WW2 and provided a temporary time of prosperity for America. But like the Israelites America has become lazy, stiff necked, immoral, and idolatrous. America will not last much longer at the rate things are going.

        The only time killing is justified is if it is commanded by God, which today God is not physically present and audibly commanding things. God’s Word is how we receive God’s commandments. Any execution and any war fought needs to line up with Scripture. A soldier is under the command of his government and sent off to battle, they are not held accountable for killing enemies in battle. On the other hand, unjustified death such as mass genocide of innocent people is sinful. The only mass genocide commanded by God was in the Old Testament because the nations were under his judgment, not one person was innocent in those nations and God had deemed that it was their time to go. It was a specific time in Israel’s history for their nation and society alone. It is not a command by God to kill everyone who is in a false religion. God is perfect and absolutely holy. He is a righteous judge and allowed to make decisions on who lives and who dies. Nobody else! No one else in the Old Testament made these judgments, but simply followed orders from God who literally was there telling them what to do. Through Christ, now days we understand that vengeance is God’s and not ours, so we spread the Gospel. But when we are attacked by evil forces, or our family is in danger by criminals we are very justified in defending ourselves even to the point of killing a criminal or attacker, as well as justified in sending soldiers to war to face enemies and hopefully killing them. I believe today the truest evil in the world we are threatened with are the radical Islamists, the Islamic terrorists, who are torturing, raping, murdering, at an unbelievable rate everyone who does not perfectly fit their ideology. These enemies are named the Islamic State and Al Qaeda (including all their affiliates).  I believe it is morally justified to kill as many of them as we can before they kill all of us. And believe me they will kill as many Americans as they can if they get here. Our government has a God given obligation to protect us and defeat such types of enemies. Sending soldiers to battle is the right thing to do, yet our President does not care. The time to kill is now!

God Mandated Taxes But He Did Not Mandate Wealth Redistribution

God Mandated Taxes But He Did Not Mandate Wealth Redistribution

        God mandated that people pay taxes. The first time this occurs in the Bible is in Exodus 30:11-16. Most Christians know that Jesus said, “Give to Cesar that which is Cesar’s and to God that which is God’s.” But many Christians might not remember, or know that God also commanded the ancient Israelites to pay a “ransom” tax. God commanded Moses:

“The LORD spoke to Moses: ‘When you take a census of the Israelites to register them, each of the men must pay a ransom for himself to the LORD as they are registered. Then no plague will come on them as they are registered. Everyone who is registered must pay half a shekel according to the sanctuary shekel (20 gerahs to the shekel). This half shekel is a contribution to the LORD. Each man who is registered, 20 years old or more, must give this contribution to the LORD. The wealthy may not give more, and the poor may not give less, then half a shekel when giving the contribution to the LORD to atone for your lives. Take the atonement money from the Israelites and use it for the service of the tent of meeting. It will serve as a reminder for the Israelites before the LORD to atone for your lives.'” 

This was a tax that only men had to pay. Women did not have to pay it. Only men had to pay this tax and they were commanded at age 20 to register for this “ransom tax.” So any time there was a need to take a census for the Israelites the men who were 20 or older had to pay half a shekel. That is not a large amount of money. It served to keep the tent of meeting services going. This atoned for their lives. If they did not pay it they would fall ill and by the language used probably die.

What is noticeable is that this tax was equal for all people. It was not more expensive for rich people, nor was it less expensive for poor people. It was the same tax. Today the idea of “wealth redistribution has been talked about, especially from President Obama” that each person needs to give their fair share. Democrats like Obama believe that rich people should pay an extra tax simply because they have success. It punishes people for success and rewards people for non-success, or less-success. A lot of liberals who claim to be Christians believe that socialist ideas of wealth redistribution are what Jesus would do. That God would want rich people to pay more. This is simply not true. The first statement in the Bible about any kind of charge, or tax for the collective Israelites states firmly that the payment is the exact same no matter their financial status. The tax was also very small and affordable for everyone. Also, the age was 20 and not 18 as it is in our country.

God does not hold favor for rich or for poor people and makes them all the same. God did not punish or charge more for successful, or rich class Israelites and neither should our government. Our government is corrupt and many liberals use the Bible to justify this coercion and our economy is failing. Taxes are charges for all kinds of things beyond reason that most people should not be forced to pay for. Americans should only have to pay for the necessities such as roads, police and fire departments, military defense, and government officials. Yet we are charged for so many failing public services that never allow people to rise above. It is an attack on capitalism. The separation of the “have nots” and “haves” is nowhere found in the Bible. But it is everywhere found in communism which is an atheistic religion of social construct. The Israelites were only charged for the necessities of the tabernacle’s functions so that God will be properly worshiped throughout their generations. There was no extra taxes for random government programs in Israel.

Jesus Christ is God and what God commands in the Old Testament is the same opinion Jesus had and has. Just because Jesus told people to give to Cesar what he demands does not mean Cesar was right to charge the taxes he did. That is why tax collectors were so hated in Christ’s time on earth. They were robbing the people. That is what the U.S. government seems to be doing today and crushing our economy so we are dependent solely on the government for anything. That is the goal of the progressives in our society in the United States.

Government Mandated Vaccines: What About My Body My Choice?

Government Mandated Vaccines: What About My Body My Choice?

        The hypocrisy of the Left is always apparent. I for one do agree that vaccines should be given to children. There was a scare propagated by the Left that vaccines contribute to autism in children. Many people were afraid to give their children vaccines because they heard it could make their child autistic. Even Barrack Obama was mentioning this in his addresses to the nation years ago. Today on Sunday (Feb. 8th, 2015) I was listening to talk radio as I do when I drive. It was the “Rush Limbaugh’s greatest moments of the week” broadcast. He talked about this issue and how the Left propagates scares with faulty science. He likened the scare to the false “war on women” they tried to pin on Mitt Romney when he was running. Today though the tables have turned and the left is now making up a new propaganda scare, completely turning it around to say that Republicans are against vaccines. This is bogus! This is exactly like the bogus “war on women” they made up.

        The fact is very few people are against vaccines in children. Some even promote government mandated vaccination. I am on the fence. I believe, like Global Warming, that the science behind the autism scare was faulty and proven false. Now the Left is agreeing that the autism scare they propagated is not accurate. Now they are pretending only “crazy conservatives” think that there is a link to autism and vaccines.  In fact very few would deny their children vaccines.

        I do think everyone should vaccinate their children because it is a matter of public health. I am also not a conspiracy theorist who thinks that vaccinations inject the 666 micro chip into people (because conspiracy theorists are a bunch of wack jobs who make rational Christians look bad to the general population, we are not all crazy!). On the other hand it is a fundamental, God given, American right to not be forced to put things into our bodies, or our children’s bodies. All though I do think any parent who denies their child vaccine is doing a disservice to their own child’s health as well as the general public’s health. I do think public schools should mandate vaccinations to protect other children. So if you deny vaccines then homeschool your children. I am sure many of the people who hold this view already do anyway.

        Limbaugh stated that diseases like measles and others that have vaccines provided were basically finished and not a threat. America got rid of them. He then brought up the real issue about open boarders. Where are the new diseases coming from? They are coming from the illegal aliens none other than the Left seems to embrace.

        The left is always adamant about American rights. Women have the right to abort their babies because they are not real humans and just globs of biological mass because,

“It’s my body! My choice!”

We should be allowed to do drugs because,

“It’s my body! My choice!”

We have the right to die and commit suicide because,

“It’s my body! My choice!”

We can eat whatever we want because,

“No you can’t. It may be your body but it is not your choice! Michelle Obama does not approve!”

We do not have to get vaccinations because,

“It’s NOT your body and NOT your choice. The government says so!”

Uh oh…

We do not have the right to eat any kinds of food we want or pack certain kinds of lunches for our children’s school lunch because it does not have a “perfect” nutritional value and we are “AT WAR WITH OBESITY!” And apparently, we do not have the right to not get vaccinations for ourselves and not our children. But apparently illegal aliens who spread throughout our country (am embraced by Obama’s America) do not have to get vaccinated. Who is spreading it? Certainly not the minority Americans who do not approve of vaccinations.

        The hypocrisy of the left!!!

Ideological And Philosophical Terms Christians Should Know

Ideological And Philosophical Terms Christians Should Know

        The following terms are words that Christians need to know and understand. Almost all of them speak to the belief there is no God or a human centered worldview. A few do not and are compatible with Christianity. Many Christians do not understand what communism is or its verifying factors. So learn the definitions of the words and try to understand. Not all atheists are communists, but all communists should be atheists even though there is a contradictory trend of “christians” claiming it. Not all humanists are atheists, but all atheists are humanists, but both atheists and humanists hate religion (even though early humanists claimed they were a religion). All the definitions are a mix and match of concepts that may or may not consist of the entire definition of current people following such beliefs. There may be 2 separate definitions for the same term, yet it is not hard to understand which is which. They are all from I list them in no particular order. Just skim over it and read the definitions.

        There are a lot of “isms” thrown around in social, political, and worldview discussions. The only 4 I believe could be considered biblical and give freedom to men are capitalism, nationalism, republicanism, and individualism when practiced with Christian morality of course. Even though many cultures exist, it is impossible to have a nation with a set of values that identify it if there is an emphasis on forcing multiculturalism. It is a way to mask absolute truth and promote a liberal view of morality and religion. Cultures and customs are one thing, but when it comes to a cultures morality and theology it gets difficult. The influx of Islam in many western nations is an obvious sign that multiculturalism is not a good thing. The national identity will be lost and its values and culture covered up. The United States is suffering from multiculturalism as well and our nation is failing because we gave up our Christian heritage. Globalism is also bad. Yes caring about other nations is good, and having an eye out for the earth to preserve resources and nature; but allowing the world to dictate your nations values, rules, regulations, culture, and religion is not, and that is the goal is globalism. It rejects a nations sovereignty and make everyone a citizen of the world. It has the goal is creating a one world government and one world culture and it will be a humanistic philosophy. The Bible teaches that individual nations should exist. Even in Ezekiel when it talks about the reign of Christ on earth it mentions other nations still existing who will come and honor Christ in Israel.

        The rest are pretty much godless views that are anti-christian in nature and vehemently opposed to the Bible’s teachings. They are man’s idolization and promotion of human transcendence over any God and their own take on how a “perfect” society should be in thought and practice. The results of such thinking are pretty much worldwide misery and destruction and bondage to the elite few who will dictate to the world every aspect of their lives. It will be a dystopian future ready for the Antichrist. Even anarchy in its philosophical form makes no sense since humans will not freely cooperate with one another unless someone makes them. So anarchy is self refuting. It would be short lived.

Terms to know:

HUMANISM: The denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of religion in favor of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts. A variety of ethical theory and practice that emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world and often rejects the importance of belief in God.

SECULARISM: A doctrine that morality should be based on the well-being of man in the present life, without regard to religious belief or a hereafter. A secular spirit or tendency, especially a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship. The view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element.

*Put them together and it is SECULAR HUMANISM*

MATERIALISM: The philosophical theory that regards matter and its motions as constituting the universe, and all phenomena, including those of mind, as due to material agencies. Preoccupation with or emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values. The monist doctrine that matter is the only reality and that the mind, the emotions,etc, are merely functions of it. The rejection of any religious or supernatural account of things. Philosophy that nothing exists except matter. 

NATURALISM: The view of the world that takes account only of natural elements and forces, excluding the supernatural or spiritual. The belief that all phenomena are covered by laws of science and that all teleological (of or relating to teleology, the philosophical doctrine that final causes, design, and purpose exist in nature) explanations are therefore without value. The belief that all religious truth is based not on revelation but rather on the study of natural causes and processes. 

MORALISM: The practice of morality, as distinct from religion. The practice of moral principles without reference to religion. 

IDEALISM: The cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes, goals, etc. Any system or theory that maintains that “the real” is of the nature of thought or that the object of external perception consists of ideas. The tendency to represent things in an ideal form, or as they might or should be rather than as they are, with emphasis on values. Philosophical doctrines that share the monistic view that material objects and the external world do not exist in reality independently of the human mind but are variously creations of the mind or constructs of ideas. 

REALISM: The tendency to view or represent things as they really are. The doctrine that universals have a real objective existence. The doctrine that objects of sense perception have an existence independent of the act of perception. That things exist despite not perceiving them or knowing about them. They exist outside of the mind. 

MONISM: The doctrine that the person consists of only a single substance, or that there is no crucial difference between mental and physical events or properties. 

DUALISM: The doctrine, as opposed to idealism and materialism, that reality consists of two basic types of substance usually taken to be mind and matter or two basic types of entity, mental and physical. The theory that the universe has been ruled from its origins by two conflicting powers, one good and one evil, both existing as equally ultimate first cause. The theory that there are two personalities, one human and one divine, in Christ.

RELATIVISM: Any theory holding that criteria of judgment are relative, varying with individuals and their environments. any theory holding that truth or moral or aesthetic value, etc, is not universal or absolute but may differ between individuals or cultures. The doctrine that no ideas or beliefs are universally true but that all are, instead, “relative”that is, their validity depends on the circumstances in which they are applied.

GLOBALISM: The attitude or policy of placing the interests of the entire world above those of individual nations.

NATIONALISM: Devotion and loyalty to one’s own country;patriotism. The desire for national advancement or political independence. The policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one’s own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.

STATISM: The principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty. The theory or practice of concentrating economic and political power in the state, resulting in a weak position for the individual or community with respect to the government.

ANARCHISM: doctrine advocating the abolition of government. doctrine urging the abolition of government or governmental restraint as the indispensable condition for full social and political liberty. The belief that all existing governmental authority should be abolished and replaced by free cooperation among individuals. 

UNIVERSALISM: (Social Welfare) The principle that welfare services should be available to all by right, according to need, and not restricted by individual ability to pay, but funded by general contributions through taxes, rates, or national insurance payments. A system of religious beliefs maintaining that all men are predestined for salvation. 

MULTICULTURALISM: The preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation. 

MARXISM: The system of economic and political thought developed by Karl Marx, along with Friedrich Engels, especially the doctrine that the state throughout history has been a device for the exploitation of the masses by a dominant class, that class struggle has been the main agency of historical change, and that the capitalist system, containing from the first the seeds of its own decay, will inevitably, after the period of the dictatorship of the proletariat (the class of workers, especially industrial wage earners, who do not possess capital or property and must sell their labor to survive), be superseded by socialist order and a classless society. Actions and human institutions are economically determined, that the class struggle is the basic agency of historical change, and that capitalism will ultimately be superseded by communism.

COMMUNISM: political movement based upon the writings of Marx that considers history in terms of class conflict and revolutionary struggle, resulting eventually in the victory of the proletariat and the establishment of a socialist order based on public ownership of the means of production. theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as whole or to the state. A system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. Advocacy of a classless society in which private ownership has been abolished and the means of production and subsistence belong to the community. 

LENINISM: The form of Communism as taught by Lenin, with emphasis on the dictatorship of the proletariat. A dedicated group of intellectuals had to spearhead the revolution into communism and serve as leaders of the state. 

STALINISM: The principles of communism associated with Joseph Stalin, characterized especially by the extreme suppression of dissident political or ideological views, the concentration of power in one person, and an aggressive international policy. The theory and form of government associated with Stalin: a variant of Marxism-Leninism characterized by totalitarianism, rigid bureaucracy, and loyalty to the state. Emphasizes the repression of all dissent, often by brutal means; a rigid adherence to government management of economic life; and the domination of all communist movements worldwide by the Soviet Union.

SOCIALISM: theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. The stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. An economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by the community collectively, usually through the state. It is characterized by production for use rather than profit, by equality of individual wealth, by the absence of competitive economic activity, and, usually, by government determination of investment, prices, and production levels.

MAOISM: Marxism-Leninism as interpreted by Mao Tse-tung: distinguished by its theory of guerrilla warfare and its emphasis on the revolutionary potential of the peasantry. The doctrines of Mao Zedong, most notably the doctrine that a continuous revolution is necessary if the leaders of a communist state are to be kept in touch with the people. Chinese communism of the People’s Republic of China. 

TOTALITARIANISM: Absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution. The character or quality of an autocratic or authoritarian individual, group, or government. Domination by a government of all political, social, and economic activities in a nation.

AUTHORITARIANISM: Of or relating to a governmental or political system, principle, or practice in which individual freedom is held as completely subordinate to the power or authority of the state, centered either in one person or a small group that is not constitutionally accountable to the people. Exercising complete or almost complete control over the will of another or of others. 

CAPITALISM: An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

REPUBLICANISM: Republican form of government. A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. 

COLLECTIVISM: The political principle of centralized social and economic control, especially of all means of production.

INDIVIDUALISM: A social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual. The principle or habit of or belief in independent thought or action. 

UTOPIANISM: The views or habit of mind of utopian; impracticable schemes of political or social reform. Of or relating to a perfect or ideal existence founded upon or involving idealized perfection. Given to impractical or unrealistic schemes of such perfection.        
NIHILISM: Total rejection of established laws and institutions. Anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity. An extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth. Nothingness or nonexistence. Annihilation of the self, or the individual consciousness, especially as an aspect of mystical experience.        
SKEPTICISM: Doubt or unbelief with regard to a religion, especially Christianity. The doctrines or opinions of philosophical Skeptics; universal doubt. The position that what cannot be proved by reason should not be believed. In its extreme form, that no knowledge is possible.       
ATHEISM: The doctrine or belief that there is no God. Disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings. Rejection of belief in God or gods. 
AGNOSTICISM: An intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty of all claims to ultimate knowledge. A denial of knowledge about whether there is or is not God. The  impossibility to prove that there is no God and impossible to prove that there is one. 

Why Most Muslims Are Silent Against Terrorism

Why Most Muslims Are Silent Against Terrorism

        Why is it that Muslims are outraged when people criticize their religion or make satirical pictures of their prophet, but they are silent when it comes to condemning terrorism and outright murder and genocide that Muslim extremists are committing, it seems like, every day? Many move to democratic countries or free societies to have a better life. They want to escape the violence and craziness in their former Islamic countries, yet when they move to a Western country with freedom and democracy they want to change it into the countries they left? They move because they are not happy, then end up in a better country but willfully seem to become unhappy again and want to change these countries into duplicates of the former Muslim nations? They demand Shuriah law and want to vote on it. They will use the idea of free speech to destroy freedom of speech. Some even want police to stay away and not get involved in Muslim communities in cities. They want to use Shuriah law instead. People like this should be held suspect to their true intentions. The so called moderates will keep claiming Islam is a religion of peace and when you criticize terrorist acts, they are sure to come out and protest and claim you are intolerant.

        I believe there are 3 reasons why Muslims are silent about Islamic-Terrorism (it seems that in this age the words “Islamic” and “Terrorism” go hand in hand and are inseparable). The three reasons are:

1. They are themselves terrorists and/or support Islamic terrorism and Jihad and want Shuriah law world dominance and to force everyone to bow down to Allah or live within their laws or be killed. In fact everyone else is an infidel and deserves to die if they do not convert. They also hate other types of Muslims and want their Islam to take over and wipe out the other sects.

2. Even though they don’t agree with it, they understand true Islam actually supports terrorist Jihad and the Quaran really teaches it. They are moderates, or liberal, and simply use Islam as a cultural religion they do not take serious and ignore the violence commands from the prophet Muhammad in the Quaran and Hadith.

3. They are afraid of being killed for speaking out against the murder and mayhem Muslims are committing worldwide. They may or may not believe the Quaran supports it. If they believe it supports it they fall into category 2 and 3 at the same time. Believing the Quaran teaches it and fearing death for speaking out against what their religion teaches. If they do not believe Islam teaches violence then they are simply afraid of the vast amounts of crazy lunatic Muslims worldwide who will hunt them down and assassinate them and their entire families.

This is the typical Muslim moderate girl I see almost every day in big cities:

Yes hide your hair, it is too sexy and hot and will cause me to lust. But it is okay to wear a form fitting shirt and tight jeans because that is acceptable to the moderate Allah. Yes, because hair is so sexy compared to your shapely body parts to men…

        Is it true that the majority of Muslims worldwide want peace and tolerance for all religions and people? Or is it true that the vast majority actually support Jihad and Shuriah Law? Their overwhelming silence speaks volumes to the rest of the world. When will liberals wake up? When will our president admit the truth of the problem? The problem is not necessarily Islamic extremists, but Islam itself. The more Muslims who move into a country and populate through reproduction the easier time they will have taking everything over. That seems to be their goal. I took a class on Islam during my university studies and one thing I learned is that the Hadith teaches that once a Mosque is built in a country than that country is owned by Allah and it is the Muslim’s right to dominate. How many Mosques have been built in the USA? A lot.

        Moderate Muslims who claim not all Muslims are bad need to do their jobs and speak out against this evil and be loud when they do it! But they are not! Come on moderates! Prove to us Islam is about peace! Maybe they cannot be angry over the terror attacks because they happen so much that moderate Muslims would have to be upset and angry 24/7, but then they take time to be angry and protest when people criticize their religion and cry racism and tolerance. They seem to really emphasize their hatred towards Christians, Jews, Israel, and Westerners.

        Maybe Islam is not a religion of “peace” and is actually a religion of….blowing people to “pieces.” The religion of peace…

Islamic State Slaughtering Christian Children House To House

Islamic State Slaughtering Christian Children House To House

        There has been a report that ISIS is slaughtering Christian children house to house in front of their Christian parents. They are asking them to deny Christ and the children all refuse and are then shot. There have been missionaries in these areas for some time before the spread of ISIS so there have been converts in such Muslim areas. Now that ISIS took over they are trying to stomp out anyone who does not conform to their style of Islam. The missionaries are standing firm in the face of this atrocity and standing for Jesus Christ. They need your prayers. Of course even non-Christians groups who are not Sunni-Islam and are moderate Muslims or pagan religions, also non-Christian groups such as Catholics or other sects using Christianity are being killed too.

Read the report from Mike Ratliff about the Christians being persecuted:

Prayer Needed


ISIS Terrorists Preparing To Shoot Non-Sunni Child (not one of the christian children mentioned in above post, but it is exactly what they are doing in all areas ruled by the Islamic State right now).

Bill O’Reilly Supports Transcendental Meditation

Bill O’Reilly Supports Transcendental Meditation

        I just got done watching the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. At the very end of the show Bill talked about how he ran into Paul McCartney of the Beatles at some function. Bill said McCartney recently held a fundraiser concert to raise money for the David Lynch Foundation that teaches transcendental meditation to children as young as 4 years old. Bill O’Reilly then stated his support for the David Lynch Foundation, and said that TM helps these young kids, some of them suffering with extreme anger who have been abused. Bill O’Reilly said “transcendental meditation helps these kids.” And then he thanked Paul McCartney for supporting the David Lynch Foundation. Bill O’Reilly is a Roman Catholic and he sees nothing wrong with TM. This speaks volumes about how Catholics are so susceptible to the New Age within their mystical practices as well as undiscerning conservatives who have no sense of true biblical faith, but are only politically conservative. Bill O’Reilly is seen by millions of people every night as one of the top rated news and politics shows on TV. He is very influential and has authored several history books such as Killing Lincoln, Killing Kennedy, Killing Jesus, Killing Patton, and others. He sees absolutely nothing wrong with TM or what David Lynch promotes and fully supports it and thinks it is a wonderful thing for children. 


        David Lynch is a visual artist, musician, film and television director, author and sometimes actor. he is known for surrealist films. He heavily supports TM after being influenced by the Maharishi when he met him in the 1970’s. Maharishi is the founder of the TM movement. Paul McCartney and the Beatles went over to India and learned Hindu teachings and TM and brought it back to the west to influence many young people. Many young Christians think old bands like The Beatles are cool and hip. Those people professing Christianity who practice the Spiritual Formation and Contemplative Prayer practices brought about by Roman Catholicism are susceptible to having a desire to practice TM on top the Christian mysticism they already practice and will possibly include it.  

On the David Lynch Foundation website it talks about how TM will bring peace to the world. There are children’s testimonies expressing how TM has helped their lives significantly. Kids growing up in poverty, high urban crime and other unfortunate situations are being taught TM. This is one way that Satan is using to influence children into New Age thought and beliefs and opening them up to the spirit world at a very young age. It is unfortunate. But more and more New Age, mystical, occult and magical practices that open people up to demons and Satan’s influence will be popular and such “world peace” ideas will no place for Christianity. Jesus warned that the end of days will have such deception.

The Beatles in the 1970’s with Maharishi Yogi (the founder of the TM movement) in the middle.

*Update, Bill O’Reilly the next night on his show, during his mail segment read a letter from a fan that praised O’Reilly for mentioning the David Lynch Foundation. The person said they have a child who lives in Newtown (same town as the Newtown Massacre of 21 children) and has been taught TM. They thanked O’Reilly for his support of TM and the David Lynch Foundation and said TM has helped their child cope with the trauma of what happened in their town. Bill then said more praises for David Lynch and TM and how it helps people. 

Atheists Blame Christianity For Islamic Terrorism And Murder Sprees

Atheists Blame Christianity For Islamic Terrorism And Murder Sprees

        Atheists see the news, watch the videos, understand the murder and rampant death Islamofacism has brought on the world and is committing right now by beheading journalists and other people who do not agree with their Caliphate, yet use this as evidence for why they think Christianity (labeled “religion”) is bad for the world. When Islamic terrorists in Al-Shabob shoot up a mall in Kenya, Boku Haram steals 200 young girls in Nigeria, The Islamic State creates a Caliphate and beheads hundreds of people, shooting even more in the head one after another, crucifying Christians and other religions, all Atheists can say is, “Religion is evil! It is religion that is the problem! Christianity is also bad!” They cannot simply say, “WOW! What the heck is up with the Quaran?” and “Islamic terrorists have got to be eradicated.” They have to exclaim their disdain that Christianity is also the problem and guilty of atrocities. They do this by stating religion in general is evil.

        It is so apparent that the Atheist mindset is so delusional, so misguided, so biased and hateful, and so ignorantly stupid that they must make sure they have bashed Christianity for every act of Muslim violence as well; and not only the one religion of Islam. Even when only one religion is committing terror acts worldwide, and right now causing chaos in the middle east, they blind themselves to this obvious reality. Today ISIL/ISIS just released a 2nd journalist beheading video of a U.S. journalist. Yet Atheists all over the internet keep saying, “Yes Islam is a problem but we have to make sure that you know Christianity is also bad.” No it is not! Christians are not murdering thousands of people and plotting world domination! Christians have never suicide bombed anyone and do not plan to. No other religions (Buddhists, Mormons, Catholics, Hindus, Janists, Bahais, Wiccans, New Agers, or Jews) are trying to murder the entire world unless it conforms to their strict beliefs of a religious state. Only Islam is! If you want to stop the problem, stop the actual problem! When one person brings into question the statements and beliefs in the Quaran about such slaughter the Atheist has to chime in and say, “Well as long as you admit the Bible is also evil and false!” You have to be absolutely insane to see Islamic violence and then get angry at the Bible for it.

        Only an idiot would see people in group (A) attacking everyone and killing people in groups (B-Z), but walk up to group (B) only and blaming them as a whole in general for the attacking and killing only group (A) did. So basically to stop Islamic fascism one must first attack Christianity. Yeah real logical…

        This is bogus and I am calling out all Atheists to stop the nonsense, stop the hate, stop the flat out delusional lies against Christianity by painting it on equal terms as Islam. You may despise religion but be truthful! The news is reporting Islamic terrorism, not Christian terrorism. Even your once beloved Richard Dawkin’s understands this! Yet, you disown him, due to him not being politically correct and following the liberal narrative on the issue.

        Atheists are only proving their focused hatred for Jesus Christ and anything Christian. They wish Christians were the ones murdering, oh yes they do! They are so upset that it is not Christians doing the killings because they cannot flat out attack only Christians. Now they have to make it more neutral and say “religion in general is bad!” Because none will actually say “Islam is evil and should be wiped off the earth and destroyed and never return as a world religion.” No they will not, they will only say that about Christianity. They hate God, the God they claim does not even exist. They hate God and only want to attack Him and no other false religions. I am so sick and tired of this Atheist delusional, double standard about what you are allowed to trash talk.

        Christianity is not trying murder people and cut off heads, in fact Christians are the ones getting their heads off, but atheists do not care about that. They only care that “religion” is attacked, but they really mean Christianity when they say the term “religion.” Atheists are being completely dishonest and their lack of logic is so apparent when they argue this way. They need to stop the idiocy and start admitting the truth.