Street Fighter: Church Edition Video Is Hilarious

Street Fighter: Church Edition Video Is Hilarious

        Check out this Street Fighter style video of typical heretical charismatic excess pastors. I find this hilarious.

It kind of goes to show you what unbelievers think of all of this behavior. The fact many think actual evangelical Christians all behave this way is pretty bad though and very annoying. But we can still have a sense of humor about it. All of these circus acts are such a joke and it is time people start calling these false supernatural occurrences out. If they are really supernatural it has to be demonic.

6 thoughts on “Street Fighter: Church Edition Video Is Hilarious

  1. First off, what makes you think this foolishness is anything more than scam artists trying to make a buck off of gullible sheep like as this sort of thing has been exposed to be in the past? Where do you make the leap from the reasonable and proven to “It must be demons”?

    While we’re at it, you mention a few things I’d like to dig at. You claim they are “Heretical”. According to what? You make references to the supernatural, to what end can you demonstrate this is a valid concept that exists beyond the minds of the wishful thinkers who desire it to be so? I agreed with just about the entire post, and found the video hilarious. Very insightful, but then you pull out this demonic supernatural thing from 1672 in your last line that provided a very WTF sort of moment on my end.

    • Yes demons exist the bible teaches they do and I believe the Bible. Heretical according to the bible and what it actually teaches.

      Not all is demonic but some is. Most is probably delusional minds making themselves believe its real. And Demons are not from 1672, they have always been a concept that almost the entire world’s cultures throughout history have believed in. Evil spirits.

  2. Provide some tangible evidence for this assertion. And how do you account for modern science being able to explain what was once thought as, as you put it “evil spirits”, simply microbial life and/or mental disorder due to chemical imbalances?

    I don’t accept your citation of biblical authority as it is an extremely flawed text with nonsensical premise and makes demonstrably false claims both about morality and how the world around us works. Not to mention it contains hundreds of contradictions. But that’s an entirely different discussion.

    To put it shortly, you’re making wild assertions with nothing to show for it. I would then naturally lump you in with the same charlatans as is the subject of this posting, albeit, perhaps you aren’t in the business of bilking gullible old women with bad hips out of their social security checks. But you’re still making unfalsifiable and nonsensical claims with not a lick of reality in justification.

    • “Provide some tangible evidence for this assertion. And how do you account for modern science being able to explain what was once thought as, as you put it “evil spirits”, simply microbial life and/or mental disorder due to chemical imbalances?”

      Science does not explain it. It provides theories which may or may not be accepted by individuals. Many people who are into TM or psychedelic drugs such as DMT often claim there is a spirit world and we are all connected somehow in this universe and there are beings in this spirit world talking to them. I tend to agree with them that there are beings in this world. The Bible explains there are demons, fallen angels that can possess people.

      “I don’t accept your citation of biblical authority as it is an extremely flawed text with nonsensical premise and makes demonstrably false claims both about morality and how the world around us works. Not to mention it contains hundreds of contradictions. But that’s an entirely different discussion.”

      That is your problem. You have many assumptions about the Bible. You have to provide evidence for every claim you just made. Everyone of your claims is false.

      “To put it shortly, you’re making wild assertions with nothing to show for it.”

      That is actually what you are doing.

      “I would then naturally lump you in with the same charlatans as is the subject of this posting, albeit, perhaps you aren’t in the business of bilking gullible old women with bad hips out of their social security checks.”

      No I am not. And you would be wrong to lump me in with them.

      “But you’re still making unfalsifiable and nonsensical claims with not a lick of reality in justification.”

      That is your subjective opinion and not fact. By the way if I am making “unfalsifiable” claims wouldn’t that mean I am making claims that are true? Unfalsifiable is not even a word. But saying un + false would mean it is not false, but actually true. Thanks.

      This blog does not exist as a forum for your atheist anger nor is it a debate forum.

      • “Science does not explain it.”

        It provides testable models which can be independently verified and provides both mechanism and prediction. That is beyond the definition of explanation.

        “It provides theories which may or may not be accepted by individuals.”

        You don’t understand the difference between the colloquial use of the word “theory” vs. a “Scientific Theory”. The way you’re using the word theory is as a “best guess”. However a Scientific Theory is a model based on evidence, that gives an explanation of how something works, following using the scientific method to arrive at such a conclusion. Educate yourself, because if you keep misusing these terms, people who know better are going to make a fool out of your ignorance to this subject –>

        “Many people who are into TM or psychedelic drugs such as DMT often claim there is a spirit world and we are all connected somehow in this universe and there are beings in this spirit world talking to them.”

        You’re propping your argument up on what is essentially blasphemy according to your professed faith? Interesting.

        “I tend to agree with them that there are beings in this world.”

        Again, based on what, and by what justification? I wish you realized how schizophrenic and ungrounded in reality your above statement sounds to a reasonable individual.

        “The Bible explains there are demons, fallen angels that can possess people.”

        The bible explains a lot of non-factual erroneous claims that we can demonstrate aren’t true, such as a flat Earth, all of the cosmology it contains, as well as the fact that bats aren’t birds, donkeys don’t speak, and unicorns just simply aren’t a thing that exists. A half-baked mythological account that is self contradictory doesn’t qualify as evidence for anything other than mankind can be incredibly gullible.

        “That is your problem”

        Quite the contrary. It’s YOUR problem. As in the fact that this book is not factual nor is it in any way reliable or moral. If you’re going to base your reality and prop up your assertions on it, people like me who know it better than you do will be quick to tear that down with facts.

        “You have many assumptions about the Bible. You have to provide evidence for every claim you just made. Everyone of your claims is false.”

        I accept your challenge. Here are my claims:

        1.) The bible is a flawed and contradictory text. Here is a short list of a few hundred direct contradictions.

        Here’s one in image format.

        2.) The bible makes false claims about morality and in fact promotes IMMORAL ideas, such as rape and slavery.


        Judges 21:10-24, Numbers 31:7-18, Deuteronomy 20:10-14, Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Deuteronomy 22:23-24, 2 Samuel 12:11-14, Deuteronomy 21:10-14, Judges 5:30, Exodus 21:7-11, Zechariah 14:1-2


        Leviticus 25:44-46, Exodus 21:2-6, Exodus 21:7-11, Exodus 21:20-21, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Timothy 6:1-2, Luke 12:47-48

        “That is actually what you are doing.”

        Every claim I can make, I can show something for the reasoning behind that claim, matching the magnitude of said claims, given the medium we are on (i.e. I can’t show up at your door and turn the page for you). Can you? I doubt that highly.

        “No I am not. And you would be wrong to lump me in with them.”

        You’re just as deceitful and deluded. You don’t care about truth, you care about belief. You are categorically, the same.

        “That is your subjective opinion and not fact”

        I’ve just demonstrated it. That makes it objective.

        “By the way if I am making “unfalsifiable” claims wouldn’t that mean I am making claims that are true? Unfalsifiable is not even a word.”

        Wow. The ignorance you’re displaying is enormous.

        adjective \ˌən-ˌfȯl-sə-ˈfī-ə-bəl\
        Definition of UNFALSIFIABLE
        : not capable of being proved false
        First Known Use of UNFALSIFIABLE
        circa 1934 –>

        “But saying un + false would mean it is not false, but actually true. Thanks.”

        Apparently, you don’t English much, now do you? lol

        “This blog does not exist as a forum for your atheist anger nor is it a debate forum.”

        Coward. Run and tuck your tail once someone with half a brain challenges your nonsense. This is why you receive ridicule. You spout nonsense with nothing to show for it, make claims you can’t back up, challenge people with facts to present them, and when they wipe the floor with you, you tuck tail. This is both a sign of you not REALLY believing in what you’re spouting, and a lack of confidence in your own beliefs. And rightfully so, for they are nonsensical and demonstrably false.

        Chew on that for a while.

        • Science does not explain demonism. No I did not get the idea of a theory mixed up with scientist theory its virtually the same thing. A scientific theory is just based on scientific experimentation with objective facts etc. Scientists who hate the bible can simply try hard to explain away evil spirits and possession. You are simply asserting I do not know what I am talking about. That is your assumption.

          Anyone experiencing demons and inviting them in is of course doing “blasphemy” but this does not negate the fact it happens and that many people do in fact believe in spirit beings. It has nothing to do with whether or not I am personally offending God. And yes it is very interesting.

          Many people who are not schizophrenic who participate in witchcraft, or new age rituals such as transcendental meditation can experience otherworldy things. Many people have experienced out of body experiences and talked to other beings. Call it schizo or what you want but how do you explain the fact so many people have these experiences? Even Joe Rogan the atheist tough guy of the UFC experiments with psychedelics and in fact claims to have talked to beings from other dimensions. The only thing is he cannot say for a fact it was a real experience or all in his mind. People whether or not they are atheists who use DMT or sensory deprivation tanks or whatever devices or activities to experience such things all are having the same experiences. So are all of these people including Joe Rogan schizophrenic? I for one do not experience these things or go out of m,y body or even try to and I dnot use drugs. Calling me schizo is simply you using an ad hominem attack to pretend you proved a point.

          You said: “The bible explains a lot of non-factual erroneous claims that we can demonstrate aren’t true, such as a flat Earth,”

          The Bible does not speak of a flat earth sorry. I know you want to believe it does and will claim that figurative language translated as circle (when the Hebrew actually means circle and sphere both, and in the context is actually is saying sphere whether or not you want to admit it) means it is a flat earth.

          ” all of the cosmology it contains,”

          Is actually correct.

          ” as well as the fact that bats aren’t birds,”

          The Bible is not meant to be a scientific description of modern biological categories. Instead, it is often written from the perspective of what we see. In other words, it makes generic categorizations. In this case, the bat is categorized as a bird because like birds, it flies and is similar in size to most birds. If we did not know that it was a mammal, it would be natural to call it a bird. To the Hebrew of ancient times, calling it a bird was perfectly logical. But, in modern times we categorize animal species more specifically and have categorized the bat as a mammal and not a bird.

          Also, we must be aware that it is modern science that has a different classification system than ancient times. To the ancients, creatures such as a bat were considered birds since they categorized all flying animals as birds. If that is the category that they used, then they were correct. It is not an error.

          ” donkeys don’t speak, ”

          Right they don’t. But Balaam’s ass did because God supernaturally gave it the ability to speak at that time in history for that purpose. God can do this and he did. And yes donkey’s do not speak. The bible does not claim they typically do.

          “and unicorns just simply aren’t a thing that exists. A half-baked mythological account that is self contradictory doesn’t qualify as evidence for anything other than mankind can be incredibly gullible.”

          I already explains to you that unicorns in the bible are the 1 horned rhinoceros. Which is actually called a unicorn in old english from the latin translation of unicronus. Research this. You are looking very ignorant right now since all of your grievances with the bible have been answered time and again. BUt you are a fresh atheist with your HUGE LONG 21 years of serious Christianity which must have included intense and serious bible study and biblical scholarship right? Oh wait no it did not…

          You said: “Quite the contrary. It’s YOUR problem. As in the fact that this book is not factual nor is it in any way reliable or moral. If you’re going to base your reality and prop up your assertions on it, people like me who know it better than you do will be quick to tear that down with facts.”

          Typical arrogant atheist talk…prove everything you just said. Dont hyportically demand I prove something when all you are doing is saying “The bible is immoral and wrong!” Well you made the assertion. Prove it. So far ive been able to answer all of your claims.

          Listing 100 claims does not mean you are correct. Please take them 1 by 1. I am not going to scan alist and defend each one. They already have been proven false and much of all those assuimption about the bible being evil are in many cases straw man arguments.

          NOne of those verses promote rape. You are assuming they do. Ive answered the rape question in another blog article here go find it.

          “You’re just as deceitful and deluded. You don’t care about truth, you care about belief. You are categorically, the same.”

          Ad hominems and false assumptions do not win arguments.

          Nothing you “demonstrated” was objective facts. You just wrote a list. I could easily post a link to a list back that says you are wrong. Go look at for everyone of those claims against the bible, and they are explained.

          adjective \ˌən-ˌfȯl-sə-ˈfī-ə-bəl\
          Definition of UNFALSIFIABLE
          : not capable of being proved false”

          Thanks for proving my point. I was not wrong. You ignorantly called it unfalsifiable when you meant to communicate that what I was stating was not true and were errors. Unfalsifiable would simply mean what I am staying is not proven false therefore most likely correct, and it would be your subjective opinion, not objective, that would disagree with it being true. You would then be very unscientific for your subjective opinion.

          It seems your entire point to post on my blog is to argue and puff up your own pride and insult me. This is typical angry atheist behavior. My blog is not for you. it is meant for Christians.

          “Coward. Run and tuck your tail once someone with half a brain challenges your nonsense. This is why you receive ridicule. You spout nonsense with nothing to show for it, make claims you can’t back up, challenge people with facts to present them, and when they wipe the floor with you, you tuck tail. This is both a sign of you not REALLY believing in what you’re spouting, and a lack of confidence in your own beliefs. And rightfully so, for they are nonsensical and demonstrably false.

          Chew on that for a while.”

          Do you feel really special for saying all of that? I think it makes you feel very important and smart and better than me. Good for you. Nothing you challenged me with was un-explainable and you have won nothing. I never ran either. Most of your arguments were simply just insults and assumptions about what I believe. All of your claims are actually false. I am not going to go through a list of 100’s of claims and answer each one. I answered the main ones you claimed and you ignored it. You are wrong on all accounts to assume that proves the bible is in error.

          You really are not worth time to waste on this issue. If you care to find answers for why Christians believe the bible is true there are plenty of answers to research. Try to start.

          And read the rest of my blog for other answers. I do not believe you were a true Christian for 21 years or anuything intelligent in biblical scholarship but you are using the same tired arguments from angry Dawkinsettes (as in Richard Dawkins).

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