The World King Antichrist Of Satan’s Empire Will Be Revealed: A Close Look At 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

The World King Antichrist Of Satan’s Empire Will Be Revealed: A Close Look At 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

        The Bible teaches that there will be an Antichrist (1 John 2:18, 1 john 4:3, 2 John 1:7) who will be the king of the world, and will proclaim that he is god and become an object of worship worldwide. This is said to be done by Satan’s work, who has been preparing him throughout history in order for his inauguration. Satan’s Empire is here on earth right now as he is the prince of the power of the air and ruler of the atmospheric domain (Ephesians 2:2) that is beneath heaven. That would be our world on earth. He was cast down from heaven when he rebelled (Revelation 12:9). He is the Father of Lies and a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). He is the god of this world and age (2 Corinthians 4:4). So therefore Satan is trying to set up a worldwide satanic order for his own worship and to destroy as many people as possible before God’s wrath is carried out on him.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 states,

The coming of the lawless one is based on Satan’s working, with all kinds of false miracles, signs, and wonders, and with every unrighteous deception among those who are perishing. They perish because they did not accept the love of the truth in order to be saved. For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe what is false, so that all will be condemned—those who did not believe the truth but enjoyed unrighteousness.

        A lot can be taken out of this passage. The Antichrist is being prepared and is coming based on Satan’s working. So Satan has been working throughout the ages to prepare this man to take control. The Antichrist is satanically prepared by the devil himself, and most likely will be physically possessed by Satan. Much like demons possess people and control them, Satan will be possessing the Antichrist.

        Part of the way Satan is said to be working is through false miracles, signs, and wonders. In the passage, these miracles are connected with every unrighteous deception among those who are perishing. “Those who are perishing” are everyone throughout history or currently living who have followed deception. Deception is obviously false religions, ideas about god, and other heresies. So the false miraculous signs and wonders are said to be connected to such things. Right now there are a few movements which are claiming many miracles such as healings, levitation, prophecies of the future, miraculous languages, bilocation (John Crowder, Bob Jones), teleportation, prophetic dreams, contacting angels, visions, ecstatic experiences and more. These movements claim to be Christian and claim to be from God. A lot of this is found from the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements, but are also heavily based on New Age and Occult practices through Contemplative Mysticism and the Spiritual Formation movement. Not only are there false religious sects claiming to be from God, but throughout history pagan religions have often participated in magical practices and spirit channeling as well as healing in much of the same fashion. In fact, some of these heretics admit that the New Age movement knows more about healing and supernatural experiences and prosperity than the Christians (while falsely associating that such practices are what Jesus Christ wants us to be doing). In Paganism these things are done through witchcraft and sorcery. Nonetheless, the heart of the matter is plain old spiritual deception, even if the deception is not miraculous. That means just unbelief and the enjoyment of what is unrighteous and a hate for the truth.

        In our age in history never before has there ever been such a huge claim of miracles and signs as what is happening now. There is also an extreme intolerance towards people who have actual opinions or a belief in an absolute truth especially if it is about the Bible. Postmodernism has influenced the world in an extreme way. This means that the normal thinking of people now days is to question if truth exists and have a disdain for people who claim to know the truth such as Christians who believe in the Bible. There is a constant attack on biblical interpretation and theological proclamations where people frown upon doctrine and want an antinomian approach to faith. This sets up an “anything goes theology” that is full of false beliefs, which also embraces false religions who deny Christ, in order to satisfy the appearance of “loving everyone.” Basically, where people who profess biblical truth are scene as divisive, haters, and intolerant (but the intolerance is actually on their end), while people who claim they are unsure about all things and wish to dialogue forever about them without ever coming to a conclusion are seen to be virtuous. This type of spirituality has invaded our churches and Christian universities.

        Just as the passage says the perishing “do not accept the love of the truth” it is so today. People who do not love truth, who are constantly confused out of false humility not to offend, who constantly will change their minds about anything and everything, who will hate you for loving what is true and accurate, are the ones who are perishing. Satan is setting up a king whom he will possess and control (the Antichrist will be willing) who will easily step in and take over the world with a one world worship of himself. In order to get people on the same page with religion, a hatred for truth has to exist in the minds of humanity. With no truth, everything else that is a lie is allowed. The current climate of the world screams for “world peace” and calls everyone who claims a hard stance on an issue an “extremist” or “terrorist,” while the actual terrorists, the islamofascists who claim an absolute truth for their god Allah, continue to kill people without anyone scrutinizing their religion as being wrong. Instead, Islam is embraced and accepted as a great religion people need to respect and claim just some of the Muslims are simply radicals and not the majority. The hatred for truth causes people to think illogically. So in due time, sooner than later, there will be a one world religion set up in order for the Antichrist to step in and take over and also to claim he is the god of all the religions. This is done heavily through occult spirituality that has invaded Christian churches: a seeking of mystical experiences and knowledge from spirits that people assume is god.

        The True God is thus said to give out a strong delusion on those who are perishing in order to keep them believing the lies to build up more wrath for themselves to be punished with when God judges everyone. You can read about this idea in Jude.

        These supernatural experiences or ecstasies feed a confidence in what is false and cause people to lose sense in what is actually true. Satan has created such sensual religions for people to follow, so what we see now is a sign of the times we live in. The Antichrist is nearer and closer to coming and the world is setting up for it. So Christians better get prepared and keep gospel witnessing. But in the end we can all be satisfied that these false beliefs will be done away with as all of the perishing people will finally complete their destruction and perish, including the Antichrist and Satan himself. All of these will forever burn in torment in Hell.

        Now, this one world order of Satan is said to be set up by every unrighteous deception among those who are perishing. Right now there are a lot of people on the internet claiming some silly conspiracy theories with the Illuminatti, or Freemasonry and aliens and all kinds of wacky stuff. Christians have gotten involved and started a type of “conspiracy theorist theology” which is suspect at best and not based on much fact and more on speculation. Some people think Satan throughout time has a secret society or some cult through the generations that has been working to set up the Antichrist. I tell you Satan does not need to work in such a way with some interconnected web of intrigue. Satan has many things going on at the same time, things that are not even connected politically but are all at the same time being used for his evil purposes. In fact, much of these factions are even upset with each other. If we take the Bible literally about all that is unrighteous, it is logical to see that certain cults hate each other, certain sects of one religion hate each other, many evil groups are killing each other and in no way are connected in that sense. Yet, all these things are controlled by Satan but it does not mean that is it all some governmental satanic conspiracy. Such people are promoting an “X-Files Christianity” are making people who take a more biblical and less sensational stance on the workings of Satan, such as a typical Premillennialist, look bad. Satan does not need to use Freemasonry, Builderburgs, or Illuminati to do his work. They may have a part in it, but the world culture and spirit of the age will openly accept the Antichrist despite any political or secret societies existing. Taking a more biblical approach is better. Satan works through every unrighteous deception in order to bring this about, but we can be sure it will become his destruction. 

Comparing Islam’s Second Pillar To Christian Prayer

 Comparing Islam’s Second Pillar To Christian Prayer

        The practice of prayer is an integral part of many formal religions in the world. Islam has been defined as “submission to God” and prayer for a Muslim, “means submission to the infinite and unknowable Allah” (Goldmann, 2004: 84). It is interesting how Islam claims their God is unknowable. Prayer, or better known to Muslims as “salāt”, is the second of the five pillars of Islam. 

        According to Mawdudi, salāt is “the prescribed daily prayers which consist in repeating and refreshing five times a day the belief in which you repose your faith” (2006). One more important aspect to Islamic prayer is the required attendance for men to participate in congregational prayers every Friday. Below is a list of the following characteristics that define salāt more specifically:

  • 5 prayers a day at set times as demanded by Allah
  • Muslims must perform a ritual wash before each prayer called wudhu or cleansing (if water is not available sand can be used)
  • The prayer is performed facing Mecca or otherwise known as qibla

Muslims must abide by certain requirements during their formal prayers in order to perform them worthily before Allah. The salāt must be recited with the tongue silently in Arabic and include praises to Allah, the shahada, prayer for forgiveness and blessings, and an optional prayer for oneself. “For Muslims prayer is more than a repetition of words since it involves significant actions: kneeling, looking to left and right, touching the ear. Muslims have their own qibla, the direction to be faced when praying” (Riddel 2003: 46). These prostrations and repetitions are seen as a witness to the Islamic faith.    

Salāt compared to Christian prayer

        How do Christians respond to the issue of prayer in their daily lives? First of all, we must examine what the Scriptures say in regards to this.

        Jesus has given Christians a model of prayer that is better known as the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13). He begins this passage by telling his disciples, “This, then, is how you should pray” (Matt. 6:9, NIV) assuming that they will pray. There are various Scriptures that discuss how Christians are to pray continually (1 Thes. 5:17), pray in the Spirit on all occasions (Eph. 6:18), and how believers should approach the throne of God with confidence (Heb. 4:16). It is not simply only the actions of how Muslims deviete from true worship of God in their prayer rituals that are aimed at pleasing their “unknowable deity,” but it is the God to whom a Muslim prays to and the motivation and nature of the prayer that separates these two faiths.

        Christianity diverges from Islam in the nature and practice of prayer. For Christians, prayer is not something that is formally done with preset times and bodily movements; although, some Christians could be found praying at meal times, in church settings, and also randomly with one another. Prayer is something that is birthed out of a relationship with God and is based not on an outward manifestation or adherence to a particular code of conduct, but is rather directed at the inward heart of a believer as a response to the grace of God.  

        Christians should devote themselves to prayer as Colossians 4:2 states, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” While there are differences in the motivation for a Christian to pray we should take to heart the dedication and devotion of the Muslim’s attitude towards prayer. Prayer is the essential aspect of our relationship with the one true God. As Christians move to develop their prayer lives they should appreciate God’s willingness to reach out to mankind. He does not demand a rigid form of prayer or ritual, but a loving relationship that is based on His amazing grace. The Muslim who understands that the Quaran’s Allah gives impossible demands will instead direct his dedication away from the false diety and express prayful dedication to the God of Grace as a response to His revealed, and knowable, love which is ONLY found in the Bible. This is the real God who gives faithful love through His compassion to forgive sinners freely by His passionate sacrifice that took the place of sin. Christians can pray for and only hope that God’s grace will be given to many Muslims and give them a dissatisfaction toward the false, demonic god of Islam that demands impossible works based rituals, and deeds to decieve people into remaining slaves to their sins.

        Islam teaches that Allah is “unknowable.” Their God is unknowable not simply because Islam says so, but because their god does not exist so their submissive prayers are empty and a waste of time. Allah in no way at all can ever be considered the same God of Abraham in the Bible. The fact that many missiologists want to promote such heresy is a sign of the times that we live in. The differences in prayer between Christianity and Islam are only one example of how the two religions are opposite.  

Sources Cited

Goldman, David. (2004). Islam and the Bible. Chicago: Moody Publishers. p. 84.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. (1973). Grand Rapids,MI: Zondervan.

Mawdudi, Abul Al’a. (2002). Towards Understanding Islam. [online]. Accessed 17 May 
         2006. Available at

Riddel, Peter G. Cotterell, Peter. (2003) Islam in Context. Baker Academic.Grand
         Rapids, MI. p. 46.


It Is Popular To Yell Out The “That Is Unloving Fallacy”

 It Is Popular To Yell Out The “That Is Unloving Fallacy”

*Make sure to look up each Scripture listed in this article yourself!

        Recently, I was called unloving and “more like Richard Dawkins,” as well as told that I only argue about petty things when I refered to the Bible and what it teaches to a certain blogger. This was because I was further expounding on more of what the Bible communicates to a girl on the internet who writes a blog with a few articles that leave out much of the Bible when she expresses her opinions. She cannot stand to be corrected because she feels she knows everything. She will not listen to anyone who has something else to say because she bases her entire faith on experiences rather than the Word of God. Such people as this girl use what I call the “Unloving Fallacy.” This is nothing more than an ad hominem attack that labels any idea the attacker does not agree with as “unloving” or “unchristlike” without giving any biblical evidence to support their claim. These people only want to hear themselves talk and force everyone to agree with their views, or else they will write a person off and walk away and ignore them. The girl who runs a blog that I am talking about told me that I can make my own blog post since she only deletes any comment I make on her articles that encourage more biblical thought on a subject. She does not like that. So I thought I would do what she suggested, but she said she does not like that type of energy. The reason she does not like “that type of energy” is because it proves her wrong and hurts her pride. This is a sinful attitude that she needs to repent of. She is disregarding a brother in Christ because of her ego. Proverbs 18:2 claims, “A fool does not delight in understanding, but only wants to show off his opinions.”

        It has been popular for sometime for people to jump on the “Jesus loves everyone and accepts everyone and would never tell people they are wrong or that they believe wicked things!” bandwagon. In reality, Jesus showed His love by proclaiming the serious message of salvation from sins and eternal damnation to all people. Even today, His disciples are commanded to preach into all the world this message (Matthew 28:19-20). With the current liberal trend that society has only been heading deeper down into, Christians who promote the full gospel of sin, hell, wrath, redemption, atonement, love, grace, and salvation are constantly attacked by worldy and biblically ignorant people professing to be Christians. Usually, these types are actually heretics involved in a heretical view of the Bible in a heretical, liberal church group; but on lesser occasions these people are baby Christians who had some deep emotional experience when hearing about Jesus Christ; who now think they are enlightened and transcend the average Christian. They believe they know it all and must express their opinions to everyone. There is no room for correction for such immature believers at this point in their life, but hopefully later God will show them their ignorance and help them grow into mature believers as Colossians 1:28 expresses. This is a real problem with new Christians who lived a life of terrible sin who now think they know more than the average church people— who are real Christians that may not have participated in such sins and might have always went to church their whole lives since childhood. There is now a seperation of Christians where some think they are on a higher plane than other more mature, theologically wise, and experienced Christians. This is a problem that more people in the Church need to address and attack so people will be set in place and able to grow as mature believers. The enthusiasm that pushes such new believers—in some cases who have artistic talent—to express their ignorant views of how they feel about church or what salvation is is only hurting the Church as a whole. The latest popular expression of such ignorance can be seen on the “Why I Hate Religion, But I Love Jesus” spoken word video that has gone viral on youtube. There is a very aggressive attack against Christianity and church from within evangelicalism itself. This agenda is obviously spawned by Satan and pushed by liberalism and encouraged towards very immature people who are claiming to be Christians who have not even read the entire Bible yet. This demonically energized outlook expresses that it is wrong to tell people they are wrong (while hypocritically telling biblical Christians they are wrong), and wrong to debate or argue for the faith because it is “divisive,” “unloving,” and “unchristlike.” It is “judgmental” and might hurt someone’s feelings and make them reject God. They completely miss the point that such sinners ARE ALREADY REJECTING GOD! They completely misrepresent the message of the Apostles in the New Testament as well as ignore much of what Jesus Christ actually said and did while He lived on earth.

        The following are verses and passages from the Bible that explain the need to debate, use apologetics, and flat out tell people they are wrong; and that they believe in false things which only lead them to hell. The Bible teaches we must express the truth of the full gospel of God’s grace and not allow people to remain in false religions or counterfeit gospel teachings of heresy. Of course this MUST be done with love. The typical biblical Christian loves people and only expresses boldly, the truth, out of love for them and love with honor for God Almighty. This is not self-righteousness, but an expression of what is fact in order that men will be saved from the coming wrath and that the God who created all things is honored in correct worship. This benefits the Church body greatly and edifies everyone.

All other religions are demonic

        1 Corinthians 10:20-22 “No, but I do say that what they sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons! You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot share in the Lord’s table and the table of demons. Or are we provoking the Lord to jelousy? Are we stronger than He?”

This passage speaks for itself and the conclusion is: are we stronger than He? Paganism always teaches works based righteousness, but in reality no one can get to heaven by their own works. Only God can do it, are humans stronger than God’s power to save and give out grace and atone for our sins? No! A human cannot rely on his own merit and expect to make it to heaven.

Acts 4:12 further expresses, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.”

Leviticus 17:7 “They must no longer offer their sacrifices to the goat-demons that they have prostituted themselves with. This will be a permanent statute for them throughout their generations.”

Deuteronomy 32:17 “They sacrificed to demons, not God, to gods they had not known, new gods that have just arrived, which your fathers did not fear.”

Even in the Old Testament in Ancient times it was obvious to the followers of God that other religions are demonically and satanically inspired. And how many new demonic doctrines and gods have appeared throughout later history even up until today! Even the very “Unloving Fallacy” user is believing something spawned by the Devil and his demons, and they may or may not be ignorant about it.

Argue for the faith!

        Acts 15:1-2 is an example of an argument against the idea that circumcision is necessary for salvation which occured between Paul and Barnabas, and some men from Judea. In verse 2 it is said that Paul and Barnabas engaged in serious argument and debate against the men who were teaching circumcision is essential. People who use the “Unloving Fallacy” would oppose what Paul and Barnabas did if they were alive during their time.

1 Peter 3:15 commands the use of apologetics: “…but set apart the Messiah as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”

Titus 1:15 claims that unbelievers are defiled and so are their consciences. Also, Titus 1:16 says, “They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works, they are detestable, disobedient, and disqualified for any good work.” This could be said of many who use the “Unloving Fallacy” who are heretics in disguise as real Christians. The baby-christians on the other hand behave similarly because of ignorance though they have the ability to be corrected through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Titus 2:8 says, “Your message is to be sound beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be ashamed, having nothing bad to say about us.” This is a command to shame opponents of the TRUE GOSPEL that the “Unloving Fallacy” users do not follow. They misunderstand this attitude from the Bible as unloving when in reality it actually is loving to protect the souls of “hearers of ideas” who could be misled, and also to hope that shaming the opponent turns them around to a correct view of God in repentence.

2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” A true believer will use the Scriptures not only for teaching but to rebuke and correct people.

2 Timothy 4:2 charges Christians to “…proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patienceand teaching.” Christians should persist in explaining the full gospel truth to people and not waver, and keep saying it even if it is inconvenient. Many people are offended by the gospel because it exposes their sin and tells them that they are wrong. So what! We should persist in telling it to them anyway out of love for God, and that they will be convicted and repent.

1 Timothy 5: 20 “Publicly rebuke those who sin, so that the rest will also be afraid.” The meaning of this is self-evident to true Christians. Too many times Christians get involved in weak accountability groups where sin is made comfortable and and accepted. People need to be rebuked and feel shame so they will fall in line in obedience to God and slay sin in their lives.

Colossians 1:28 explains, “We proclaim Him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”  Hopefully the “Unloving Fallacy” user will listen to the warning that they are promoting false ideas of what is Christian and will grow up and not stay on milk, but will eat solid food.

Romans 10:17 “So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.” Obviously, no one will get saved if they do not hear the Word of God preached. A Christian does not only do nice deeds and help the poor, or be nice to pagans and assume they will be saved by those acts alone. No, all pagans will be saved when they are convicted by the Holy Spirit Who is revealed from God’s Word. They must hear it!

Acts 28:23-24 is a passage that tells about how Paul persuaded people concerning Jesus from the Law of Moses and the Prophets (what we call Scripture) and some were persuaded, and some were not. In Acts 28:31 it tells us that Paul kept proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching things about Jesus Christ with “full boldness abnd without hindrance.” Paul was not afraid to be bold and tell the full truth, his emotions did not hinder him. This is the problem with the baby-Christian, “Unloving Fallacy” user. They let their emotions get in their way and confuse boldness with being unloving.

Acts 20:27 “For I did not shrink back from declaring to you the whole plan of God.” Christans must declare not only grace, love, and mercy; but also wrath, damnation, and sin.

Acts 17:2 tells us that Paul reasoned with Jews using the Scriptures to prove them wrong.

Acts 4:29 is a prayer for boldness when sharing the gospel. Not a timid, overly cautious-careful not to offend-type of witnessing. Boldness does not mean to purposefully offend people yet that baby-Christian, “Unloving Fallacy” user thinks so.

Acts 2:37 explains that as a result of men hearing the gospel straight up without hindrance that these men were “pierced to the heart” and desperately wanted to know how to recieve salvation. This is what evangelism is about!

1 Corinthians 16:22 explains the serious condition that people are in if they do not love the Lord. Since all false religions are demonic and obviously do not love the true existing Lord God they are under a curse. The verse says, “If anyone does not love the Lord, a curse be on him. Maranatha!” This is the very verse from the Bible that this blog is named after. Sinners are under God’s curse and the bible says so. Is the very Scripture written by the Apostle Paul now unloving? No! It is just bluntly truthful!

Examples of Jesus

        Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 23:33 told opponents of the gospel that they were “Snakes!” and a “Brood of vipers!” and asked them bluntly how they are going to escape hell. The “Unloving Fallacy” user would be shocked at Christ’s very words when dealing with heretics and false religions. Yet they seem to not realize such a passage actually exists in the Bible.

Mark 11:15-19 is the famous story of Jesus getting extremely angry, making his own whip out of chords, and then using that whip to attack greedy charlatans who were using religion as a means for personal wealth instead of honor for God. He cleared out the entire temple complex overturning tables and spilled out money changers. He would not allow anyone to carry goods through the temple. He flat out blocked them from entering and scared them away! He then began to teach people not to profane the temple of God with their greed. This is mighty zeal for the Lord and the same fire in the Christians heart should burn against such evil corruption. Yet the “Unloving Fallacy” user has a hard time explaning Christ’s behavior.

Mark 16:14 claims that Jesus Christ rebuked people’s unbelief for not believing the witness of people who saw Jesus. Likewise in our time, many in a lot of cases, need to be rebuked for denying the reality of Jesus Christ rising from the dead.

Luke 10:13-16 is the story of Jesus Christ condeming unrepentant towns while He shook the dust off of His feet toward them in an insulting manner because they rejected His message.

John 6:60-65 explains the reaction of people being offended by His gospel and Christ’s rebuke of them for being offended.

John 7:24 commands people to stop judging by simple outward appearances, but to “judge according to righteous judgment.” The users of the “Unloving Fallacy” love to ignore this passage and only state the first part of the verse that says “do not judge according to outward appearances.” They love to call people “judgmental” and “judgers.” They say, “Don’t judge me!” And “Are you judging? Who are you to judge? Only GOD CAN JUDGE ME!” Exactly like Tu Pac. Yet they fail to realize the point of Christ’s teaching that we should still “judge according to righteousness.” How else can anyone discern what is correct or true if they do not judge? This is exactly in accordince with 1 Corinthians 5:12 that implies we should judge people claiming to be Christians who are immoral.

John 8:24 is a serious warning and is said matter of factly: “Therefore I told you that you will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” This is the point of the gospel message! To warn people that they are in danger of dying in sin under God’s wrath! A loving Christian will warn people of the danger so they can repent and be saved! The “Unloving Fallacy” user is actually the unloving, uncaring person in this situation who has no concern to save a person walking into death.

John 11:33 and 11:28 both explain that Jesus got angry. Yes, the loving Lord and Savior of mankind actually got angry. Why else did he clear out an entire temple complex with a whip and call people names like Snakes and Brood of Vipers and flat out warn people they are going to hell!

The “Unloving Fallacy” user is a fool

        I already mentioned that Proverbs 18:2 explains that such people who label anyone who argues or debates for Jesus Christ unloving are foolish and only interested in hearing themselves talk. More verses explain the danger of this behavior. Proverbs 24:24-25 states,

“Whoever says to the guilty, “You are innocent”—
people will curse him,
and tribes will denounce him;
but it will go well with those who convict the guilty,
and a generous blessing will come to them.”

Such people who are guilty of the “Unloving Fallacy” are only communicating to people in danger of hell that they are innocent. Christians must convict the guilty by proclaiming the gospel so that they will repent.

        People like the girl who runs the blog I was reading who call me unloving and much like “Richard Dawkins” in spirit, as well as claiming that I only am arguing about “petty things,” these people who reject comentary that disagrees with them as well as reject friendship from biblical believers are never going to become sharpened people who will grow in the faith. Something has to happen in their life that only God can show them to change their behavior. They are lacking “iron sharpening iron” as Proverbs 27:17 states. They are becoming detestable as it says in Proverbs 28:9 that “Anyone who turns his ear away from hearing the law— even his prayer is detestable.”

        It is not a suprise that many unbelievers who hear the gospel want to walk away from an evangelist once he starts talking about the law. Many churches and baby-Christians need to learn the fact that the gospel comes with the law and without understanding the law men are never going to understand what Christ did on the cross. Turning an ear away from hearing the law is detestable and many of these liberal church milk-drinkers are in danger of praying detestable prayers.

        It should be self-evident to any biblical Christian that sharing the gospel or promoting the faith is going to come with arguments from opponents that one must counter-attack to shed light on the Word of God. Christians should not live to impress unbelievers. No we should not! And they should stop trying hard to avoid offending sinners. 1 Corinthians claims that we will be slandered by god-haters, yet we will entreat them and show God’s love anyway, and even so, while we are spreading the FULL gospel message, we are going to be considered as “…the world’s garbage, like the filth of all things.” This is because darkness hates the light as John 3:19-20 mentions. The light exposes their evil deeds. It says in 2 Corinthians 2:16 that “To some we are a scent of death leading to death, but to others, a scent of life leading to life.” Our job as evangelists is to sincerely speak the gospel in Christ, and God will sort them out: either into eternal judgment or eternal salvation.

        I doubt this girl who runs her blog and calls me unloving, and implies that I am unchristian and hateful, will ever read this. Or, if she sees this article I doubt she will even get past the first paragraph, but I wrote this article because this is a common occurence in the evangelical world that real Christians have to suffer through. The know-it-all-new-milk-drinking-baby-christians who think they lived it hard and are somehow on a higher spiritual plane than the average long time battle-worn Christians— who go to church and believe in biblically conservative values and possibly have grown up going to church— need to get a reality check! They cannot boast in themselves or claim their past somehow makes them superior and more evangelistically knowledgable! They need to sit down, stop preaching, stop yelling out the “Unloving Fallacy,” and listen to other Christians who know more and want to help them grow. Hopefully, more new converts to Christ will be spiritually empowered with wisdom and a passion with boldness for the truth without fear. This will bring about proper evangelism as well as edification for the entire Church.